Chapter 11: Colorful Freedom

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It was late, they had finished the first season of Aggressuko. Everyone was picked up, but Selozar was still there. It was absolutely peaceful, completely dark outside. 

Selozar was extremely tired, he had been on the run and now that all the stress has worn off he feels exhausted. He yawned lightly, and put his head on Albert's shoulder. He was so comfortable, Selozar nuzzles his shoulder, groaning from exhaustion.

"You wanna go to bed, Selozar?" Albert asked, amused. Selozar lightly nodded, yawning again. He began to cuddle Albert's arm. Albert began to blush at the sudden action "S-Selozar?!" 

"Sorry... You're warm..." Selozar mumbled, eventually passing out on Albert. Albert chuckled, picking up Selozar. He admired the beauty of Selozar. He couldn't help but smile, as Selozar nuzzled into his arms. 

Albert walked into the guest bedroom and laid Selozar gently in the bed. As he walked off Selozar grabbed Albert's arm. "Selozar?" Albert asked, looking back at him, "You gotta let me go to bed..." 

"Noooo you're warrmmmm..." Selozar whined, obviously to exhausted to think. Albert easily got his arm loose from Selozar's grasp. "Good night, Selozar." Albert cooed, shutting the door behind him. He then went and recorded videos. 

A few hours passed and Albert had recorded four videos, and sent them to Adam, along with a pay check.

It was extremely late, and Albert decided to go to bed. Before entering his own room, Albert went to check on Selozar. He opened Selozar's room, formally known as the guest bedroom, and saw him peacefully sleeping, sheets messy, and him drooling a bit. 

Albert smiled to himself, knowing that Selozar was comfortable in his house, and he's finally at peace. Albert shut the door to Selozar's bedroom, and walked over to his own bedroom. Albert opened the door, walking over to his bed and flopping down on it face first.

He scooted his way up and flip over, staring at the ceiling. He was over all exhausted, and eventually fell asleep.


Dawn arose, but nothing in the house moved. Hours passed, and Selozar finally opened his eyes. The morning light crept through the curtains of Selozar's room, showing off the dust as the rest of the furniture took on a blue-gray tint. Selozar laid in bed as he always did, he barely ever got to feel the feeling of relaxation after sleeping.

Selozar eventually got up, and threw the curtains open, leading the room flood with the morning sunlight. It was honestly beautiful, or at least it was to Selozar. Despite being Florida, there was still snow covering the ground, though it was very thin. Selozar left his room, and attempted to look for the bathroom.

No, Selozar is not going to cut himself, you fucking idiot, ever heard of actually needing to use the bathroom?

Selozar opened a door, and it lead to Albert's bedroom. Selozar stood in shock as he saw Albert's passed out body on the bed, thank god he even made it to the bed.

Selozar walked over, and grabbed the covers to put it over him. Albert suddenly grabs Selozar's hand, causing Selozar to blush. "Albert... can you please let me go?" 

Albert mumbled, and pulled Selozar closer. "Albert, this is embarrassing..." Selozar states, looking to the side. Eventually Selozar gives in and gets pulled into Albert's arms. Selozar's face was bright, and hot. He didn't expect he's cuddle with Albert, but for some reason he didn't mind, he rather... enjoyed the affection? 

Selozar was warm, and he wasn't complaining about it, so eventually Selozar embraced it, and cuddled back, snuggling into Albert.

About an hour passed, and Albert woke up, seeing as it was now ten A.M., Albert thought it was a good time to make breakfast, since Selozar was here now. But, he couldn't get up, something was around him. Albert looked down, and saw a tired Selozar snuggling him, Albert's face erupted into a blushing mess. "S-Selozar?" He quietly asked, Selozar's tired eyes opening and looking up at Albert's face.

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