Chapter 2:Home is where the heart is, but the heart is made of stone.

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I watched as the new person speed off in his car. Interesting.

He seemed defiant, blooming with personality. He will never understand. Something about him was off. He seemed reluctant, fearful even. With all respect, I understand, he seems to be in a shaky relationship with Alone.

I told him about Alone, I thought he should know. Have a clue, at least. It was only right, Alone is a bad person, but I have to stick by him or I'll be eaten alive.

I take out the worn notebook and begin to doodle in it. I'm not the best drawer, but it's some pass time whilst Alone is sleeping. I casually draw some stick figures, I've barely drawn so of course I'm not good.

What am I saying? I'm bad at everything anyway.

After a while, I slowly begin to sleep. I jolt myself awake and hide the notebook under a broken floorboard, one that I use to hide everything. Especially things I'm never supposed to have. I'm his slave, and obey his every order, it's second nature.

I begin to sweat. My existence is now known by another being, a being that I spread classified information too, information that, if spread, can change my life forever. If I fall out of line around that human, he has the power to destroy my every inch.

I have sinned, a horrible sin.

I'm ashamed. I shouldn't have done that, but I clinged to the nearest person I see, so new to others lives. I'm too trusting, I can't do that, never again.

My life is at risk, and Alone will find out, one way or another... it's destiny.

I have to be on my best behavior, so he'll think it's some kind of mistake! Yeah! He'll spare me, and my punishment won't be so harsh!

I look at the loose floorboard. I've been gathering supplies to leave when I can, I probably should save those just in case.

I'm horrible.

I sigh, and fall back asleep in the bed, anxiety crawling on my back.


I awaken in a sweet field, flowers blooming, birds singing, and a fresh sent was in the air.

I walk around the flower field, there's a large but advanced and beautiful city close by. I look to my side, a place to rest. I smile lightly, and begin to walk towards it.

I sit down, and sigh. Beautiful.

Suddenly, the flowers began to die, and be reborn as a disgusting red flower, the sky turned black and the once beautiful city was in ruins, and set ablaze.

Chants of children rang in my head, I have no idea what they were saying, they were all screaming and chanting at once, their laughter echoed hauntingly.

The words mixed together, and twisted wickedly, but soon they all lined up, into a terrific chant.

"Wo ist eine lange Nadel?"

"Wo ist eine kurze Nadel?"

"Auf Wiedersehen, geh schlafen zügig"

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