Chapter 1: Strange things are happening...

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Well. Alone texted me and told me to come over, he has somebody he'd like me to meet. Pretty sure it's his new friend, Selozar. Selozar, more like Se-loser, am I right?

I shake my head at my own dumb joke. I didn't even know this guy, I shouldn't be making fun of him, does that mean I'll stop? Probably not. I just got finished recording a video, I usually record 3 or 4 a day, sometimes 6 if I'm feeling up to it. I'm just tired, all the time really. No matter how much sleep I get, it's basically useless.

Just before I passed out in my chair, I got a message. Who would, besides me and some sad teen, be up this late?

I checked, and it was Alone.

AloneTraveler:Hey! Shrimp Goose, you up?
AloneTraveler:ANSWER ME.
AloneTraveler:I KNOW YOU WAKE

I sighed, and responded

MrFlimFlam:Yeah, I'm awake.

AloneTraveler:Yes good good! I want you to meet me, I have person for you to see.

MrFlimFlam:I'm about to go to sleep, can we do it tomorrow?

AloneTraveler:Absolutely no! Come, come, you must!

I groan, and go outside, hop in my car, and drive to the location. It was... empty. My vision was messed up, but I can manage... manage fine enough, anyways.

I look out in the distance as my fans swarm me. Do I know how they got there? Nope. No clue, whatsoever.

As I look out, I see Alone Traveler and another dude. Probably Se-loser! I watch as somebody breaks into the area and Se-loser chase after him with a sword and paralyze him.

Alone goes over and praises him. This doesn't feel right. Alone then pulls out his big ass sword, and scares everyone off, before making them all evacuate, and leaving just me, Alone, and Se-loser. Actually, he hasn't done anything to me so I'm just going to call him Selozar.

Alone beckons me over, my vision getting worse by the minute. I stand next to Selozar, and HOT DAMN IS HE TALL. He's larger then both me and Alone. Thick boy.

Actually... uh... I liked it more when there was a lot of people here. I walk up to Alone, to greet him. "Hi!" I nervously chuckle, Alone and Selozar stay quite. "Oh my god..." I mumble under my breath. After a few moments of silence, Selozar waves, before saying, "Its rude do not greet."

I give him a look of 'Bitch I did', before Selozar politely adding on with a somewhat friendly, "Hello." Alone shakes his head, "Distracting players..." I nod, even though I do prefer a lot of people being here...

We were spread out, 2 and a half yards at most (2.286 meters, for my non Americans) it was kind of disturbing, the two fell back into silence. What was the point of this?! I began to walk away and climb on a pole, because "YOU CANT CONTROL MY LIFE MOOOM"

The two began to walk towards me, as I sat stubbornly on the pole for all eternity. Oh no. I slid down, because I'm terrified. Alone looks at me before walking to the pillar. "Look at this grate pillar." He randomly pointed out. I nod, very grate. I felt a presence behind me. I turn around and see Selozar, towering over me. What the hell?! I back up and turn to Alone. "I like it."

Never Leave You Alone (Selozar x Albert)Where stories live. Discover now