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When Newt came back from London is was hugged by Jacob when he got off the plane. Woah Jacob I just went for a day I wasn't at war or something Jacob said Newt laughing at Jacob's actions. I know buddy but I need your help on an English project over the weekend and really useless in that area said, Jacob. Hey, stop hogging Newt we all want to say hi said Queenie. I'm not that important said Newt who was looking on the floor. Of course, you are a friend and we miss you so much said Jacob. They all left the airport and went to Jacoba and Newt's apartment. Newt went to his room to unpack his stuff and say hi to his two kitties.  Hey me and Jacob have to go on a date so good luck with Newt said Queenie grabbing Jacob. Well that's weird said Newt looking at the door. Ok, Tina you got this just say what you need to say though Tina. I love you! said Tina out loud. What? said Newt looking at Tina. Well here goes nothing though Tina looking towards Newt. I love you Newt you are the best thing I ever have in my life. And I really do love it when you take care of animals no matter what kind of creature. Said Tina looking everywhere but at Newt. Um, you know that your eyes are like fire in dark water which it resembles a but Newt couldn't finish the sentence because he was to shy to finish it. Like a salamander said Tina finishing Newt's sentence. Newt looked up from his bangs and smiled. He walks to Tina and put his hand on her waist then said I love you too Tina said Newt looking in her eyes. Tina wrapped her arms around Newt's shoulder and she said well I think I love you more.  Newt smiled and said impossible I think I love you more. Newt moved his lips closer to her mouth and he said may I kiss you. Tina just shook her head because she couldn't say any word. Their lips locked and they could feel the fire that they had between them. Tina felt so relaxed when Newt is kissing her it felt so good. When they broke apart Newt said that is the best thing that happens to me. Tina laughed and said well we can go watch a movie on the couch and enjoy each other company, Mr. Scamander. Newt smirked and he said I love that very much. They went to the couch and enjoy their movie.

Here is another chapter sorry it took a bit long to create but hope you guys enjoy. 😋💛

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