Newt's Birthday

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Alright turn in your homework and leave said, Mr. Smith. Man, that test was horrible said, Jacob. Oh, I don't think is that hard Newt said turning in the homework. That easy for you to say you're like a genius Jacob said walking to his locker. Hey, guys how was classes said Queenie. It's was going great until that test I had to take in Mr. Smith's class said, Jacob. They kept talking until Tina came. Hey guys, what's up with you guys? Tina said holding some books in her hand. Nothing really where were you at? Queenie said. I was at the library studying said Tina trying to hold the books. Here I can help you with that said Newt. Well, I think I c- could h-hold them by my s-self said, Tina studdering. It's fine Newt said taking some books off of Tina's hand. Looks likes my little brother is being a gentleman said, someone from behind. Newt just acted nervously and look at the floor still holding some of the books. Oh leave them alone Theseus it was going to be a beautiful moment said Queenie smiling at Newt and Tina. Um anyway, what are you doing here Theseus? Said, Tina. Well, I was here to get my little brother so we can go to London and celebrate his birthday Theseus said smiling to his little brother. Wait a minute is your birthday Newt? Said Jacob looking at his friends. Umm yes, I guess said Newt not looking at anybody. You guess man we could have given you a cake or something said, Jacob. Yea we could've given you a gift sweetheart Queenie said smiling at Newt. Oh, it's ok I really I don't care for my birthday anyway Newt said looking at everyone through his bangs. What do you mean you don't really care it's like the best day ever because it's about all you said Tina smiling. Yea it's when I first get to see my little brother 22 years ago from today Theseus said giving his brother a big hug. No Theseus you know I hate hugs said Newt. Well, get used to it because it's going to be a great big group hug said Theseus tell everyone to get in. They all hugged him than Newt felt uncomfortable after it was over. Ok, buddy sees you later then since your going to London said, Jacob. Well, my brother has a few more hours to waste before the flight at 10 p.m. Said Theseus looking at his watch. Well, let's go celebrate then said Queenie telling them to go. Wait I need to put my books to my room said Tina gesturing that she and Newt were holding. Ok, we will meet you at the cafe said Queenie. I'll say good day to all of you and Newt remember we leave at 10 got that? Said Theseus. Yep got that said Newt looking at his brother. One hour later they all meet up at the cafe. Well, let's go to the party that one of the fraternity said, Jacob, pointing the way they needed to go. When they arrived at the party they all went to get some shots and drank a bit then they dance but Newt just stays near where he wasn't a distraction because he didn't want to dance. Hey, why didn't you want to dance? Said Tina. Oh, it's just I don't like to dance and I'm terrible at it. Said Newt looking at the floor. Are you sure I bet you're a great dancer come on let's go, Tina said pulling Newt to the dance floor. Newt was scared at first then he enjoyed it. Tina, Jacob, and Queenie drank at least 15 shots and one other drink but Newt didn't know the drink. Oh great, it's going to be like that other time at the party thought Newt. Hey, Newtie Tina said hugging him. Tina, you should know I don't like hugs said Newt. I know but you smell so good Newtie said, Tina. You guys are so cute said Queenie holding Jacob up. Um, you guys are little drunk so we better go home said Newt. Ok, let's race again ready set go!! Said Tina with the other two behind her. Oh here we go again Newt sighed and try to catch them up.

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