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Rachel's Point of view

I look at my watch 3 in the morning as I sit with a blanket wrapped around my body in lexis room. I look at the picture of us all. Our beautiful family photo. Tears fall from my eyes.

I hear a noise and Brad walks in he sits beside me and wraps his arms around me. I put my head on his shoulder

"why can't she just come home" I chock as tears fall from my eyes

"We will find her" Brad whispers

"Will we" I question I look up at Brad as tears fall from his eyes

"I don't know" Brad whispers

We are both loosing hope as each day passes. I put my hand on my growing bump.

"Is little one moving" Brad asks I nod he puts his hand on my bump.


"Brad" I whisper standing up quickly.

"Come on" Brad takes my hand and we walk downstairs to the door together.

I unlock the door and open it and there stands to police man.

"Are you Mr and Mrs Simpson?" The police officer asks and we both nod

"Do you mind if we come in" the other officer says.

We nod and step aside to let them in. My heart beats like it's coming out of my chest.

What are they going to say

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