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James foster point of view

Ever since the paparazzi put that photo up of me and my girlfriend. Everyone keeps saying I look like this girls brother or something saying we are siblings. Rachel Simpson. I don't have any siblings I am an only child. Grown up in care. Never heard from my real mum or dad. Left care when I was old enough and got into acting. I don't need any family. I sometimes want it but that will never happen.

" You okay hun" Katie my girlfriend says sitting beside me and kissing my cheek.

"I'm good just want to look at this Rachel Simpson account to see why everyone is saying she looks like me and that her brother does to" I say and she nods.

I click on this Rachel Simpson's account. I scroll and scroll through her account.

"She is Married and has two kids" I say to Katie

"Aww her kids are beautiful. They look so happy together" Katie says and I smile they do look happy together. It makes me feel happy for some reason seeing her happy in all these photos.

"Hey this must be photos of her and her brother" Katie says clicking on the photo.

" wow" I say

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

" wow" I say

"He does look like you" Katie says saying what I was thinking.

"That's really creepy" I say

"You all have the same smile" Katie says putting her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know what there second name is" I say

"Give it here" Katie says taking my phone from my hand.

"Found it there second name is Foster" Katie says in shock.

"Are they my siblings" I question confused.

"I don't know James maybe you need to contact them" Katie says

"But then what if there not and I get my hopes up because I might actually get a family" I say to Katie putting my head in my hands. I have been let down to many times.

"You won't know unless you try and I will be with you every step of the way" Katie says giving me a kiss and I nod.

I need to know if they are my little siblings.

A/N- hope this was okay

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