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Rachel's Point of view

Me and the kids are now home. Brads in Liverpool tonight performing.
Lexi is having her nap and Noah is playing in his room. I'm just sitting watching up on some tv that I have missed.

"Mummy" Noah says coming into the room.

"Yes darling" I turn around looking at him with a sad face.

he walks over and sits beside me

"Now what has got this little face sad" I say kissing his cheek

"Mummy am I ugly" Noah says and my heart drops

"Of course your not. Why would you think like that" I say lifting him up and putting him on my lap.

"people at the show last night where saying I was ugly I heard people whispering" Noah says a tear falls from his eye

"My darling boy. You are the cutest most handsome boy I have ever met. Just like your dad. People are just jealous and in this world there is so many horrible people. But you have to remember in my eyes dads eyes in so many peoples eyes your the most beautiful little boy in this world." I say bringing him into a hug.

"Do I actually look like dad" Noah asks

"Yes you do a lot actually. You have his smile, eyes, nose, hair the list goes on" I look at him and a small smile appears on his face.

"Mummy how did you and dad meet"  Noah asks resting his head on my shoulder as I wrap my arms around him.

"Me and your daddy were best friends growing up we went to school together. We loved each other then but then dad got into the band and he went to perform and we went our separate ways . But then we came back together because auntie Kirstie was going out with uncle James" I say explaining the whole story to him and a smile on his face.

"Mummy I think you and daddy were meant to be" Noah says with a smile

"Me too" I whisper kissing his head.

Instagram book 3 Brad Simpson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora