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Rachel's point of view

Today was the most difficult day of our entire life. Saying goodbye to our beautiful baby girl.

We are in the train home. Brads arm wrapped around my body my head on his shoulder.

"Brad what do you think our baby name would have been ?" I ask him softly. there is silence for a while.

"Bella Simpson" Brad whispers and tears form in my eyes

"That's perfect" I lift my head and look at his face tears in his eyes.

" I wish she was here with us" Brad says tear falling from his eye

"Me to so fricken much. This life is so not fair" I say bringing him into hug.

"I love you so much" Brad whispers into my shoulder

"I love you too" I whisper

Instagram book 3 Brad Simpson Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora