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Rachel's PoV

I grab the door. And there standing was James Kirstie, Connor and Tristan.

"What's going on Rach" Kirstie asks

"Come in" i say to them we all sit down Brad comes from downstairs as he put Lexi for a nap and Noah fell asleep while watching a film. Brad looks at me. I grab my phone

" what's wrong" Connor asks

"I think I might have another brother" I say and they all look as shocked as me

" what's his name" James asks

"James Foster" I say and they look confused and shocked

"He has the same last name as you maybe it's just a coincidence" Tristan says

"Have you got a photo of him" Kirstie asks I nod going onto my phone. I find a photo that seemed to be recent I'm not sure.

I pass her my phone she takes it and zooms in

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I pass her my phone she takes it and zooms in.

"I want to see too" Connor says jumping up looking over Kirstie's shoulder.

"Rachel he has you and Charlie's smile" Kirstie says looking up from the phone and I nod.

"He really looks like Charlie" James says

"I know" I whisper

"What do I do?" I ask them

"We need to find him Rach don't you want to know if he is or not" Tristan asks

"Of course i do But" I say

"Rachel come on you have to try" Kirstie says standing up giving me my phone and take me into a hug.

"I know" I whisper

"Rach have you got any of your mum and dads old stuff" Connor asks and I nod.

"I have boxes of stuff up in the attic" I say

"Maybe that's where we need to start to find answers" Brad says taking my hand in his and I nod.

I need answers and this is the first step in finding what I need to know.

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