Chapter Six

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~I'm half a heart without you~

Everything is blank. All I can see is white. Everything surrounding me is just white. But somehow, I'm standing in the middle of nothing. I look up, only to see even more white. I start walking around, confused. Everything is so silent. . . it's deafening.

As I continue to walk, I start feeling more and more scared. Suddenly, I notice something in the distance. It looks like a little tiny dot. I start jogging over and the dot appears bigger. Once I get close enough, I notice it's none other than Louis. We just stare at each other and I gulp.

He starts walking towards me and I do the same slowly. Once we're only a few feet apart, we both stop. He opens his mouth and looks into my eyes. "The–"

Suddenly, I wake up. I groan and rub my eyes, yawning softly. My head is throbbing, and I feel like I just woke up from death. Everything seems so bright. Once my eyes finally adjust to the brightness peeking through the blinds, my mouth drops open. I look around my room only to find it absolutely trashed. Clothes are everywhere! There's a half-eaten sandwich on the floor for some strange reason. I look over to my left and notice a bunch of pillows lined up against the bed as if to make a body pillow. The pillow beside me against the headboard has a picture of Louis's face on it. Where did the hell did I get this?!

I get out of bed – too quickly, might I add, which makes me dizzy – and notice I'm wearing a hoodie and no boxers. Not only is it just any hoodie, but it's one of Louis's favourite Adidas hoodie. Luckily, I manage to find some boxers throughout this mess and put them on. I then put on some grey sweats. I then go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I notice almost all of my boxers are draped over the shower rod. What the actual hell happened last night?

Once I'm finished brushing my teeth, I head out to the kitchen. Surprisingly, no one is there. Liam is not on his couch either. I go to the other two rooms and find them completely deserted. Where did everyone go? I look at the time. 11:17 AM. Did they go to Manuel's without me?

Since Louis isn't here, I decide now is a good time to return his hoodie. I pull it off and fold it neatly, setting it gently on top of his unfolded bed. I suddenly hear a buzzing noise and turn to see Louis's phone going off. So, he's not here but he left his phone here? That seems odd. . .

It's a random number which means it isn't a contact in Louis's phone. It's not a number that I recognize either. Just as I'm about to leave, the ringing stops and instead shows his lock screen. He has a few texts, one of them being from Eleanor. But the one at the top is what confuses me. It says: Hey Louis, give me a call whenever you can so we can discuss what to do about the article. – Payton from Sugarscape

That's something that I shouldn't have seen. I quickly run out of Louis's room and back away slowly. I hear the door open and suddenly, the four boys all walk in carrying bags of groceries. Grocery shopping? I didn't know they were going grocery shopping? And why wasn't I invited?

"Oh look," Liam notes, looking at me. "He's up."

They all shuffle in and bring the groceries to the kitchen. I follow them there, still confused. Zayn looks at me and smirks. "How are you feeling, Drunky Styles?"

"Excuse me?"

"You don't remember the nickname you came up with last night?" he snickered. "You told us to call you Drunky Styles from now on."

Liam starts putting away the groceries and my face turns a deep shade of red. Was I that drunk last night? All I can remember is asking Viktor for more shots while I Wanna Dance With Somebody played at the restaurant. If I came up with an awful nickname for myself, what else happened?! How embarrassing. . .

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