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A Month Later

"Hey." I said and tip toed and pecked Finn's lips and he smiled.

"Babe!" He said with a smile.

"Excited?" I asked him. Our Setlist is to kill. Quinn and Sam will sing a duet then Santana will sing a solo. I'm happy with this Setlist, I'm just going to dance and sing in the background. It's not much of a pressure on me. I can tell that everyone in glee club is waiting for me to say that I'm ready to sing. I wish I were but every time I try to sing, I feel broken, at least when I'm in front of people.

"A lot." He said grabbing my hand and we go to the bus. As we get in, only Quinn, Puck, Santana and Sam were in there.

"Finchel!" Quinn said with a smile.

"Hello!" We said at the same time and sit together. We kept talking just waiting for the others to come and join us in the conversation.

After two hours on the road just talking, laughing and singing. Having a good time with friends, oh my I never noticed how much I missed them this whole time. I got really close to Quinn this past month. And I'm happy about that. When we get in the school where Sectionals is going to be, we get off the bus and go to the green room.

We all got dressed and the girls fixed their hairs and makeup. When we all are ready we just keep talking while the other groups perform, we didn't bothered to watch. Our number is perfect.

"I'm so excited, I want to go already on that stage and perform!" Santana said.

"I think this is our best number." Mike said with a smile. His happiness is contagious, he is proud of himself and Brittany cause they made all the choreography alone.

"We're gonna kill the competition." Finn said and we all nodded.

"Of course we're gonna win babe, you're gonna be dancing!" I joked and everyone laughed and he looked at me and rolled his eyes playfully and I pecked his lips.

"Guys, it's time!" Mr. Schue and Quinn and Sam go to their spots cause they're gonna start and we go to ours.

When we finished to perform, the crowd gave us standing ovation and I was so freakin happy! I missed all of this, so much. The adrenaline of being on the stage. We get off the stage celebrating cause it was by far the best performance considering how much the crowd cheered for us.

"Oh my God you guys!!! This was amazing!!" Mr.Schue said.

"Hell yeah Mr.Schue, did you saw Santana doing that shaking the shoulders? Amazing!" Mercedes said trying to imitate and we all laughed. Times like this make me wanna thank Puck and Mr.Schue for dragging me inside that choir room again.

"How about Mike and Brittany dancing? That was all kinds of rock!" Tina said hugging her boyfriend to congratulate him. Tina and Mike are so freakin cute together!

"We can't forget about the amazing duet sang by Quinn and Sam!" I said and they smiled.

"You guys were all amazing, every single one of you. You worked as a team and showed not just me but to the whole audience that you're not just a team, you're a family." Mr.Schue said. 

"Honestly Mr.Schue? You know how hard it was the past years, one of the reasons that we were so great today is cause we have the glee clubs heart back." Santana said and we all look at her curiously "Rachel! The soul of glee club! Glee club wasn't the same without her!"

"True!!" Finn said and I chuckled.

"That's true. Glee wasn't the same." Kurt said and I smiled.

"Group hug!!" Puck yelled and we all hugged and I chuckled.

"You guys! I'm not all of that but thank you." I said and they laughed.

"You're more than that." Finn whispered to me and I hit his arm lightly.

"Stop!" I said and he wrapped his arms around me and pull me into a hug and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we stay like that for a long time.

After an hour, we are back on the stage holding hands and waiting for the results. I'm squeezing Finn's hands so tight that he might be with a sore hand after.

"And the winner of the show choir Sectionals is...From Lima, Ohio the NEW DIRECTIONS!!" The judge announced and we started cheering. I hug Finn that was next to me and he lift me from the flor and I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him.

"We won!" I shouted smiling and Finn smiled to me and I pull him into another hug. I feel my eyes get teary and I kiss Finn one more time. When I was gone, I never thought I would ever be celebrating something so simple as a show choir competition.

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