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--Choir Room-- Finn's pov

"I think I'm going to die." Rachel said and fainted.

"SOMEONE CALL  911!" I yelled desperate and I run towards Rachel, I put her head on my lap, she beat her head hard on the floor, what is going on?! I am scared and so confused!

The truth is that before Rachel started to date Jesse I liked her, like, I had a massive crush on her. We were best friends but I wanted her to be more than friends. But she never felt the same. So seeing her like that it's killing me inside.Can you imagine seeing the girl you're in love with for years yelling in pain, saying to us to make it stop, then saying that she is going to die.

"Please Rachel, you better do not die." I whisper to myself then the paramedics walk in the choir room, they do whatever paramedics do and put her on the gurney and take her to the ambulance and take Rachel to the hospital.

Then all of us make our way to the hospital.

---Rachel's pov

I open my eyes and try to take the mask that is on my face, I see paramedics and I am getting desperate.

"Young lady, you can tell us your name?" A lady asked me with a sweet voice and I am desperate.

"Rachel Berry, what is going on?" I asked getting desperate.

"You hit your head hard on the floor." The lady said and I am so confused.

"What is going on?" I asked freaking out but then I feel sick and started to cough blood and I was getting desperate cause I couldn't stop. The lady hand me a kind of bucket and I cough my blood. I can't stop coughing and we get in the hospital, when they opened the ambulance's door I lay again on the gurney and they take me off the ambulance.

"Take her to trauma one!" A Dr. yelled and they took me to a room in the ER.

I don't know why I can't remember things like, names. But I remember my sucks boyfriend, my ex best friend Finn, my choir teacher Mr.Schue, but that's all. I know there is a Latina girl, a gay dude, an asian dude, an asian girl, a blonde dude with a big mouth. I know that I know their names, I just can't remember and other people the face are familiar.


"Someone page me for a brain consult?" A handsome doctor said walking in the room.

"I paged you like 10 minutes ago Shepherd! Where were you?!" A blonde doctor snap at him.

"I was in a surgery, but update me about the case." He said.

"Rachel Berry, 16, she got here after a huge headache and puke blood." The blonde doctor said. "Her teacher said that she started to yell saying that her head were hurting, begging to make it stop."

"Hey Rachel, I'm Dr.Shepherd and I am the chief of the Neurosurgery in the hospital, can you understand me?" He asked and I nod.

"Can you squeeze my hands?" He asked holding my hands and I weakly squeezed, he checked the injury in my head and my eyes.

"So Rachel, have you had a problem to remember simple things lately, like names, schedule or where did you left something?" He asked and I nod.

"I need a CT." The Dr said to the other.

"We don't have time, she is with a serious internal bleeding!" The blonde doctor yelled, I think her name is Dr. Robbins.

"But she might have a concussion and that her brain is bleeding while we speak! And if we don't do anything about it she might have brain death!" Dr.Shepherd yelled back. "And it won't matter if you stop her bleeding, cause she will be dead." He said and my eyes wide desperately.

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