4 Months Later

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Finn's POV - 4 months later

I'm definitely going crazy. It's been four months, four fucking months since she sent me those letters. She was having a bad feeling. Did something happened? Is she okay? What if Jesse did something with her?! Is she alive? Dead? Suffering? Happy? Safe? So many questions that I can't have an answer.

"FINN!" Mr.Schue shouted waving his hand on my face.

"What?" I asked confused. This past months I've been totally distracted just thinking about my Rach.

"What is going on with you Finn? You used to be excited with glee but now you don't even talk." Mr.Schue said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Mr.Schue, I just can't find the joy in glee club without Rach. She is the heart of this club." I said.

"With that I have to agree. Glee club isn't the same for months and we all know why, we just try to avoid the subject." Quinn said.

"I miss my Rachie." I said sad.

"What you two had anyway? You never told us. And don't come with the crap of just friendship we all know is way more than that." Puck said.

"Let make it short. We are two people that are in love with each other that are always separate." I honestly said and sighed. I really want her back to my arms that is where she belong, with me here in Lima.

"Were you guys dating?" Mercedes asked.

"We wish we were, but we weren't. We decided to wait to everything get back on tracks but look what happened." I said and sniffle, I don't wanna cry here.

"What was the thing you love the most on her? Talking might help." Mr.Schue said.

"I love everything about her. But one thing that I really love on her is her smile and her laugh. When she smiled to me my whole world stopped. My knees turned into jelly. And I couldn't speak properly. No one will never make me feel like this again." I said sadly cause I miss her tons.

"That's deep." Puck said and I sighed.

———Rachel's POV

"Hey there princess." Jesse said walking in the room that I was locked on. It's a very dark room, no windows. Only a bed and a bathroom with a very small window that is impossible for me to pass trough it.

"What?" I said sassy and he give me a look.

"Don't be sassy with me." He sais in a warning tone.

"It's been months Jesse, please just let me get out of here. I won't tell anyone what you did to me this whole time or where you went. Just leave me alone and you don't need to go back to jail, you can be free if you let me be free." I said and he comes closer to me and grab my face with his hand, squeezing it.

"You better never say this kind of thing to me ever again. You're the love of my life and I will NEVER let you go." He said then throw me at the floor.

This is how my life has been going in the past months. Can I die already?

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