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"I think we should call the police. Clearly was self defense." Puck said.

"I agree with Puck." Finn said and I stand up and started walking in circles in the living room, carefully to not touch Jesse's body.

"No...No! The police won't believe me!!" I shouted on them and Finn stand up and walk towards me and grab my hand and take me to the couch again.

"Relax okay? Just breathe...In and out." He said and I did what he said. In and out. "I don't know if you acknowledge what is going on out in the world but your case got really famous out there. The whole country prays for you. The police will believe in you cause it's the truth." Finn said and he might be right...I'm just so lost. As tough I've been free this whole time, I just had a phone someone in life or death situations like today. I have no idea how are things.

"Fine..." I said and they sighed in relief "But can you two, please, never mention what happened tonight to anyone besides the police? Ever." I said and they nodded.

"Of course." Finn said squeezing my hand lightly and Puck called the police. Finn is sitting next to me on the couch trying his best to don't touch my shoulder, that still hurts like hell. "Never forget that I was being serious when I said that I would always be here for you, even in times like this." He said and I small smiled with teary eyes, it just means so much to know that no matter what, he will be there for me. I can't take him enough.

"I will never be able to thank you enough." I said and he half smile.

"If you go to the damn shoulder to fix your shoulder, that will be enough." He said and I genuinely chuckled, wow, it's been a while since I didn't laughed. "I missed your smile."

"I missed you. Everything." I said and he smiled.

"First, your shoulder. Second, I'm going to hug you so tight that you won't be able to breathe." He said and before I could answer, Puck opened the already broken door to the police. (A/N: I don't know anything about police, so I'm going to use my words. I'm sorry if is stupid and totally wrong.)

"We're from the Raleigh Police Department. Is this Rachel Berry residence?" The man said and I stand up from the couch and leave the dark living room and go to the door. "I'm Oficial Perez and he is Oficial Graham. We would like to ask you some questions."

After answering thousands of questions and being attended for doctors, now I'm on my way to the hospital in the ambulance. There are a lot of cops still at my house investigating the 'crime' scene and Puck and Finn are going in their car to the Hospital.

I'm going to the Hospital cause the doctors said the condition of my shoulder is critical. Looks like the bullet is stuck in a critic position. It's basically holding the arteries and veins to explode, but once the bullet is out, blood all over the place. So the only way they can't take this damn thing from my shoulder is in a OR.

And after that I will have to answer more and more questions. AT LEAST, I'm not handcuffed. That would be too humiliating. But I deserve, I'm a murder. I killed someone. Jesse St James is dead because of me. I did that.


I wake up very groggy, the lights in my room bother my eyes a little. I recognize that I'm in a Hospital and the flashes from the night came back in my mind.

I open my eyes again and I see a sleepy Finn and a sleepy Puck inside the room. Puck is lying on the grey couch and Finn is on a chair next to my bed holding my hand and it can't pass unnoticed my new bracelet...Handcuffs. I can't believe in this. Am I under arrest? What the hell is going on?

"Mrs.Berry, you're awake." The doctor said surprised walking in the room. "How you're feeling?"

"That if someone had ripped my arm off would hurt less." I said and he made a quick check up then he left and a few minutes later Oficial Perez walked in.

"Mrs.Berry, I know that you must be confused after the surgery and the handcuffs but we have to follow the protocols. And while your case is investigated, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" He said and I was shocked and while he was talking, the boys woke up.

"Are you serious?! You can't arrest her!" Puck said and I'm speechless.

"Yeah! It's been years since she is the victim, I know that, Puck knows that, you know that and definitely she knows that. The entire country knows that." Finn said mad.

"I'm going to be the nicest I can with you three cause I know you all are just teenagers. I'm sorry, I work on your case since the beginning Rachel, and believe me that I want more than anything to you be free. But it's the law." He said and I sighed.

"Where are my dads by the way?" I asked, they are lawyers, they will know what to do.

"They were in San Diego for a meeting and they're on their way." Perez said and I buffed. I can't believe in it. Since I was 14 this is happening to me, I'm almost 18!!

"Don't worry, is going to be okay." Finn said and kissed my hand and I small smiled to him.

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