"I know," Maverick nodded and in her eyes appeared mischievous glint who made my heart do flips.

"And you kissed me," I added gripping bathroom counter tighter to get a hold of my weakened knees. I felt Maverick hands tightening around my waist and soon she pulls away leaving me glad for finally being able to breathe out and at the same time sigh in disappointment. It's confusing.

Everything about her is confusing.

"You kissed me and then run away, leaving me there alone." I continued feeling the same rush of heat I felt just a moment ago until she placed her burning hands on my skin. I lifted my now dark green eyes and look at the Maverick reflection.

Maverick closed eyes and let out deep breaths. Her whole body tensed at the mention of that day. Why does this look like she doesn't wanna remember that day? I admit I would do anything myself to forget how her lips made me feel, but I also know I won't be able to do that. I won't be able to forget how it tasted and how it made me feel throbbing feeling where it shouldn't.

I gritted teeth at her sudden lack of communication. Here we go again. I tell something and wait for an answer, but all she does is keep ignoring me. Let it be... let her be I muttered to myself as I pushed myself away from her, making her stumble.

"Leave, I have to take a shower," I hissed showing at the doors which she finally did. She left with cold eyes looking at me like eagle following his pray, waiting for a weak moment to catch.

Finally, I muttered under nose then I was left alone in the bathroom. I need to distraction to stop thinking about her. Maybe I should talk with dad and we would swap bodyguards? I wouldn't mind having Mr. Zach as my bodyguard again. He was older men who look after my dad for many years and sometimes he would look after me when one of my bodyguards wouldn't be able.

I should talk to him.

I made a note thinking about today gala where I meet him. I still don't like the idea of going with stranger girl because of my dad, but also my curiosity who's that woman in a picture is bigger than my pride. Apparently Jade is a Mr. Parker, dad biggest partner which who he made new a lot of money bringing the deal, daughter.

I hearing about her for the first time in my life.

I met Mr. Parker for a couple of times in family dinners and all, but I never knew he had a daughter. Well, I hope she's a lot nicer than her sleazy brother who can't keep his hand on himself.

I got out of the shower, wrapping myself with a white fluffy towel and padded to the misty mirror. Brushing with a hand, giving a reflection of my face I hummed in anticipation when I noticed my eyes were back at the normal light green itself. They always change color when I'm near Maverick.

No, Andrea, you ain't thinking about her again.

I dried my hair, leaving it to fall freely on my shoulder thinking I should curl it later for a gala. It's still too early to get ready, but I need to start thinking about what I should wear. Like every year I start doing everything the last minute which leads me to get late. This time is not different.

Putting my dark red lace bra and matching panties I walk into the closet again to found something decent to wear. I hope Sophie cook something because I'm starving. Sophie from two of us was a cook, she learns in an early age to cook and was a lifesaver for the most time when I was left alone without food.

I smirked when I found a dark grey t-shirt Lacy gave me when I found myself drunkenly asleep in her bed. I put it following by light grey shorts I walked out of the room and met with a cooking bacon smell. I almost ran to the kitchen finding Lacy sitting on a barstool engrossed in her phone while Sophie flipping over bacon.

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