Secrets are No Fun

Start from the beginning

Liz 1:45 PM: Wow! That's actually smart.

BlackStar 1:46 PM: of course it is!!! i came up with it! wait do you think kid will go for it

Liz 1:46 PM: Definitely. We'll talk later.

{ Death City Mall: later afternoon }

" C'mon, Kid cheer up a little." Patty said and continued sucking obnoxiously on her straw. The group of three sat near the corner of the food court.

" Cheer up? This is too much." Kid looked disgusted.

" What's too much?" Liz asked, leaning over the not at all sturdy table.

" This! My feelings hit the fan and I don't know what to do with them!" He placed his head on the table. Don't cry. Don't cry. Even if he somehow found the courage to tell Soul what he felt, there was no way he could do it now! Maka had him! She'd won!

Liz sipped her drink and nearly choked at the sight before her. Soul and Maka were walking out of a dress store adjacent to the food court. Her eyes were wide and she could've inhaled her straw right then.

" Liz?" Kid asked, confused. " Is everything okay over there?"

" Yes!" She answered rapidly.

" Hey, guys! Look! It's Soul and Maka hehehe!" Patty giggled and pointed at them.

" WHAT?!" Kid whipped his head around and saw for himself. It was like the wind had been knocked out of him and he slumped over. Why? Why in the one place they'd gone to avoid the situation?!

" God damnit, Patty!" Liz grimaced. " Kid, don't look!"

" Too late." Kid chuckled weakly. " I can't get away from this."

He wanted to crawl under a rock and die. The thought of Soul and Maka together mimicked the feeling of a car running him over. All he'd wanted for the longest time was to get Soul's attention, even if it didn't result in a relationship. He cared for him, had come to harbor feelings that weren't going to quit.

{ One miserable day later... }

After about an hour of begging, Liz and Patty got Kid to leave the house and accompany them to school. The three of them late, as usual, made their way up the academy's never ending stairs.

" I wanna go home." Kid complained. To think that after all the time he'd spent convincing his father he needed to attend school... that he wouldn't want to come. It was pathetic, and he hated feeling like that.

" Too bad!" Patty giggled.

" Kid, it's not that bad. For all you know Maka dragged him to the mall with her." Liz told him.

" How would you know?" The reaper responded with an iron clad sass in his tone. Liz thought about what BlackStar had said. If he was right and Soul did like Kid back, it wasn't her job to tell him.

" How do you know she didn't?"

She did have a point. But Kid still looked blue, and the glumness he felt drug down his legs like 2 ton ankle weights.

Kid pretty much slept through Professor Stein's dissection tutorial. Having him first period kind of sucked, but he and everyone else was used to it. Everyone was also used to Kid being late, but still they had all turned to look when he arrived earlier. It had been extra hard for him to keep his cool, considering Soul and Maka shared first period with him. She was scooted right next to Soul's side and the scythe looked very annoyed with the whole situation. When Kid and his weapons all had taken a seat class resumed, but the half an hour Kid had been sitting there since... it was all he could think about.

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