Chapter ThirtyFive - Did I make the right decision?

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- A Few Days Later - 

Cali's P.O.V

I've had alot of time to think about what I was going to do about my situation. I think the best thing to do for myself is to go ahead and end this. I can't afford to bring a baby into my life right now especially with Killian gone. I also thought about if he hadn't went to jail and got me pregnant, what would I have told people? Would I have kept the baby OR would I have lied about the whole situation?

"Cali you ready?" London asked breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah." I told her as we began making our way into a gated community filled with run down apartments made of bricks. Their were bushes and trees growing wild, clothes hanging everywhere, kids yelling and cyring, broken glasses all over the ground, the hood was a five star place compared to where we were. 

"Do you have the money?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I had to find five hundred dollars so I could get this done, it was actually eight but London had talked to the lady asking her if I could pay the rest later. 

London had told me about her sister getting pregnant when she was a little younger, she had came to this same exact place and had brought London along. I knew she didn't really want to talk about the situation so I listened to what she had to say without asking anymore questions.

We both walked up to one of the apartments down a long hallway and up a few stairs. The place was filled with trash and the smell was so unbearable that it made me throw up a few times.

Finally making our way to the last floor, London had knocked on the door. 

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I wasn't, how could I be okay? I was about to kill my baby, a baby that didn't ask to be in this world.

"Yeah." I lied

She looked at me with a warm smile on her face. "I'll be by your side the entire time."

A few seconds had passed when a dark skinned older woman had opened the door. She had short natural hair, a chocolate complextion and a slim figure. Her mouth was filled with gold and her breath smelled strong of alchohol. 

She had a bottle of whisky in her hand as she smiled at us both.

"Here." She shoved the bottle into my chest. "Your gonna need this." 

A roaring laugh then left her lips.

London and I both looked at one another. "Your gonna be fine." She held onto my hand. 

"Come on in." The woman told us. 

Walking inside the apartment a strong scent of ammonia filled the place. Looking around there were pots and pans everywhere along with an iron table filled with Uterine Currette's, manual vaccum aspirations, syringe needles, forceps, clamps and so much more. Looking at the instruments made me weak to my knees.

"We can do this two ways." She slurred out. "You can take these and I'll clean you up later or you can just let me go in an take the kid out alive."

"What will happen if I take these." I asked as she placed two pills into my hands.

"The baby gone die." She spoke nonchalantly.

"I mean't what will happen .. to me." 

"You'll experience bad cramps and alot of bleeding .. There's a bathroom in there I think you might wanna go in there."

What she said left me feeling disgusted, I felt sick all over again.

"Is this going to kill the baby?" London asked while looking down at the pills I held.

"Mhmmm." The woman took another sip of the dark liquor in her hand.

Walking into the bathroom I took a seat on the toilet then placed both pills into my mouth followed by water. I sat there as tears ran down my cheeks, there's no turning back now.

"God what am I doing?" I whispered to myself while wiping away my tears.

As I sat on the toilet, the pills had immediately began working. Sharp pains hit me as I moaned out in pain, that's when I felt everything in me coming out. I got louder and louder as the pain increased, I don't know what's worst. Having an abortion or giving birth.

"Cali are you okay?" London yelled from the other side of the door. 

"Noo." I cried out as another pain had hit me, the vomitting made things worse. 

About thirty minutes had past when I was finally able to leave the bathroom and head back into the living room where everything had been set up.

"Come, lay." She slurred out as London helped me into bed. "That was just the beginning babygirl, the worst is yet to come."

"London I can't - I can't take anymore." I cried out as she held onto my hand.

"It's okay Cali, it's almost over." She brushed my hair away from my face.

Both my legs were spread wide open as the woman sat in between them. 

I closed my eyes as I cried out loud, never in a million years would I think I would be here doing what I'm doing now.


"You okay?" London asked as I layed in her bed crying silently.

I remained silent. "I'm here for you if you need me Cali." She kissed my cheek.

"I killed my baby London." I cried out loudly.

"You gone be okay, I promise." 

"No I'm not!" I sat up. "My parents don't want anything to do with me, Cai is not talking to me and everything Killian and I had was all a big ass joke to him!"

"I know your hurt but heyy, I'm here for you .. Forever and always." She smiled.

"I know." I wiped away my tears. "I just don't know what to do with myself."

"Forget about the past Cali, start fresh." She spoke truthfully. "It's time for you to become the strong Cali I once knew."

I focused my attention towards her. "You know, maybe I should have listened, if I had I wouldn't be where I am today .. Maybe, I really was Too Young To Love him."

London was right, maybe starting my life over is what's best ..

I slowly laid my head onto her chest crying silent tears. 

My life is over.









I AM COMPLETELY AGAINST ABORTIONS! Please don't hate Cali, everything happens for a reason and you all will understand in the sequel why she did what she did and how things will change. She has no one and she did what she thought was best. Remember Cali is sixteen, her boyfriend went to jail for rape and no one is supporting her, what she did was wrong but what if you were in her shoes?


Guess what though, the sequel is UP! Go ahead and read chapter one of Never Too Young To Love.

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