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The following lines were written in Dora Wordsworth's "Album," in which Sir Walter Scott also wrote some verses.--ED.

Confiding hopes of youthful hearts,

And each bright visionary scheme,

Shall here remain in vivid hues

The hues of a celestial dream.

The farewell of the laurelled Knight

Traced by a brave but tremulous hand,

Pledge of his truth and loyalty

Thro' changeful years, unchanged shall stand.

But why should I inscribe my name,

No Poet I--no longer young?

The ambition of a loving heart

Makes garrulous the tongue.

Memorials of thy aged Friend

Dora thou dost not need;

And when the cold earth covers her

No flattery shall she heed.

Yet still a lurking wish prevails

That when from life we all have passed

The friends who loved thy Father's name

On her's a thought may cast.

                                  DOROTHY WORDSWORTH.

January 1827.

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