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[Sir George Beaumont told me that, when he first visited Italy, pine-trees of this species abounded, but that on his return thither, which was more than thirty years after, they had disappeared from many places where he had been accustomed to admire them and had become rare all over the country, especially in and about Rome. Several Roman villas have within these few years passed into the hands of foreigners, who, I observed with pleasure, have taken care to plant this tree, which in course of years will become a great ornament to the city and to the general landscape. May I venture to add here, that having ascended the Monte Mario, I could not resist embracing the trunk of this interesting monument of my departed friend's feelings for the beauties of nature, and the power of that art which he loved so much,and in the practice of which he was so distinguished?--I.F.]

I saw far off the dark top of a Pine

Look like a cloud--a slender stem the tie

That bound it to its native earth--poised high

'Mid evening hues, along the horizon line,

Striving in peace each other to outshine.

But when I learned the Tree was living there,

Saved from the sordid axe by Beaumont's care,[104]

Oh, what a gush of tenderness was mine!

The rescued Pine-tree, with its sky so bright

And cloud-like beauty, rich in thoughts of home, 

Death-parted friends, and days too swift in flight,

Supplanted the whole majesty of Rome

(Then first apparent from the Pincian Height)[105]

Crowned with St. Peter's everlasting dome.[106]

[103] The Monte Mario is to the north-west of Rome, beyond the Janiculus and the Vatican. The view from the summit embraces Rome, the Campagna, and the sea. It is capped by the villa Millini, in which the"magnificent solitary pine-tree" of this sonnet still stands, amidst its cypress plantations.--ED.

[104] "It was Mr. Theed, the sculptor, who informed us of the pine-tree being the gift of Sir George Beaumont." H.C. Robinson. (See Memoirs of Wordsworth, by his nephew, vol. ii. p. 330.)--ED.

[105] From the Mons Pincius, "collis hortorum," where were the gardens of Lucullus, there is a remarkable view of modern Rome.--ED.

[106] Within a couple of hours of my arrival at Rome, I saw from Monte Pincio, the Pine tree as described in the sonnet; and, while expressing admiration at the beauty of its appearance, I was told by an acquaintance of my fellow-traveller, who happened to join us at the moment, that a price had been paid for it by the late Sir G. Beaumont, upon condition that the proprietor should not act upon his known intention of cutting it down.--W.W. 1842.

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