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These lines were written for Miss Fanny Barlow of Middlethorpe Hall, York. She was first married to the Rev. E. Trafford Leigh, and afterwards to Dr. Eason Wilkinson of Manchester.--ED.

I, whose pretty Voice you hear,

Lady (you will think it queer),

Have a Mother, once a Statue,

I, thus boldly looking at you,

Do the name of Paphus bear,

Fam'd Pygmalion's Son and Heir,

By that wondrous marble wife

That from Venus took her life.

Cupid's Nephew then am I,

Nor unskill'd his darts to ply;

But from Him I crav'd no warrant,

Coming thus to seek my Parent;

Not equipp'd with bow and quiver

Her by menace to deliver,

But resolv'd with filial care

Her captivity to share.

Hence, while on your toilet,

She Is doom'd a Pincushion to be,

By her side I'll take my place,

As a humble Needle-case;

Furnish'd too with dainty thread,

For a Sempstress thorough-bred.

Then let both be kindly treated,

Till the Term, for which

She's fated Durance to sustain, be over;

So will I ensure a Lover Lady! to your heart's content;

But on harshness are you bent

Bitterly shall you repent,

When to Cyprus back I go

And take up my Uncle's bow.

Composed, and in part transcribed, for Fanny Barlow, by her
                                          affectionate Friend

                                                                                    WM. WORDSWORTH.

            Shortest Day, 1826.

THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, VOL. 8 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now