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Composed 1834.--Published 1835

[This is a faithful picture of that amiable Lady, as she then was. The youthfulness of figure and demeanour and habits, which she retained in almost unprecedented degree, departed a very few years after, and she died without violent disease by gradual decay before she reached the period of old age.--I.F.]

This was placed, in 1845, among the "Miscellaneous Poems."--ED.

Lady! a Pen (perhaps with thy regard,

Among the Favoured, favoured not the least)

Left, 'mid the Records of this Book inscribed,

Deliberate traces, registers of thought

And feeling, suited to the place and time

That gave them birth:--months passed, and still this hand,

That had not been too timid to imprint

Words which the virtues of thy Lord inspired,

Was yet not bold enough to write of Thee.

And why that scrupulous reserve? In sooth

The blameless cause lay in the Theme itself.

Flowers are there many that delight to strive

With the sharp wind, and seem to court the shower,

Yet are by nature careless of the sun

Whether he shine on them or not; and some,

Where'er he moves along the unclouded sky,

Turn a broad front full on his flattering beams:

Others do rather from their notice shrink,

Loving the dewy shade,--a humble band,

Modest and sweet, a progeny of earth,

Congenial with thy mind and character,

High-born Augusta! Witness Towers, and Groves!

And Thou, wild Stream, that giv'st the honoured name[12]

Of Lowther to this ancient Line, bear witness[13]

From thy most secret haunts; and ye Parterres,

Which She is pleased and proud to call her own,

Witness how oft upon my noble Friend

Mute offerings, tribute from an inward sense

Of admiration and respectful love,

Have waited--till the affections could no more

Endure that silence, and broke out in song,

Snatches of music taken up and dropt

Like those self-solacing, those under, notes

Trilled by the redbreast, when autumnal leaves

Are thin upon the bough. Mine, only mine,

The pleasure was, and no one heard the praise,

Checked, in the moment of its issue, checked

And reprehended, by a fancied blush

From the pure qualities that called it forth.

Thus Virtue lives debarred from Virtue's meed;

Thus, Lady, is retiredness a veil

That, while it only spreads a softening charm

O'er features looked at by discerning eyes,

Hides half their beauty from the common gaze;

And thus,[14] even on the exposed and breezy hill

Of lofty station, female goodness walks,

When side by side with lunar gentleness,

As in a cloister. Yet the grateful Poor

(Such the immunities of low estate,

Plain Nature's enviable privilege,

Her sacred recompense for many wants)

Open their hearts before Thee, pouring out

All that they think and feel, with tears of joy;

And benedictions not unheard in heaven:

And friend in the ear of friend, where speech is free

To follow truth, is eloquent as they.

Then let the Book receive in these prompt lines

A just memorial; and thine eyes consent

To read that they, who mark thy course, behold

A life declining with the golden light

Of summer, in the season of sere leaves;[15]

See cheerfulness undamped by stealing Time;

See studied kindness flow with easy stream,

Illustrated with inborn courtesy;

And an habitual disregard of self

Balanced by vigilance for others' weal.

And shall the Verse not tell of lighter gifts

With these ennobling attributes conjoined

And blended, in peculiar harmony,

By Youth's surviving spirit? What agile grace!

A nymph-like liberty, in nymph-like form,

Beheld with wonder; whether floor or path

Thou tread; or sweep--borne on the managed steed--[16]

Fleet as the shadows, over down or field,

Driven by strong winds at play among the clouds.

Yet one word more--one farewell word--a wish

Which came, but it has passed into a prayer--

That, as thy sun in brightness is declining,

So--at an hour yet distant for their sakes

Whose tender love, here faltering on the way

Of a diviner love, will be forgiven--

So may it set in peace, to rise again

For everlasting glory won by faith.

[11] 1837.

Countess of ---- 1835.

[12] The Lowther stream passes the Castle, and joins the Eamont below Brougham Hall, near Penrith.--ED.

[13] 1837.

Towers, and stately Groves,

Bear witness for me; thou, too, Mountain-stream!


[14] When hence ... C.

[15] Compare September, 1819, and Upon the Same Occasion, vol. vi.pp. 201, 202, especially the lines in the latter--

Me, conscious that my leaf is sere,

And yellow on the bough, etc.


[16] 1837.

Thou tread, or on the managed steed art borne, 1835.

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