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Spake bitter words; words that did ill agree

With those rich stores of Nature's imagery,

And divine Art, that fast to memory clung--

Thy gifts, magnificent Region, ever young

In the sun's eye, and in his sister's sight

How beautiful! how worthy to be sung

In strains of rapture, or subdued delight!

I feign not; witness that unwelcome shock

That followed the first sound of German speech,

Caught the far-winding barrier Alps among.

In that announcement, greeting seemed to mock[160]

Parting; the casual word had power to reach

My heart, and filled that heart with conflict strong.

[160] See the Fenwick note to the last sonnet.--ED.

THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, VOL. 8 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now