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[I have a private interest in this Sonnet, for I doubt whether it would ever have been written but for the lively picture given me by Anna Ricketts of what she had witnessed of the indignation and sorrow expressed by some Italian noblemen of their acquaintance upon the surrender, which circumstances had obliged them to make, of the best portion of their family mansions to strangers.--I.F.]

They--who have seen the noble Roman's scorn

Break forth at thought of laying down his head,

When the blank day is over, garreted

In his ancestral palace, where, from morn

To night, the desecrated floors are worn

By feet of purse-proud strangers; they--who have read

In one meek smile, beneath a peasant's shed,

How patiently the weight of wrong is borne;

They--who have heard some learned Patriot treat[114]

Of freedom, with mind grasping the whole theme

From ancient Rome, downwards through that bright dream

Of Commonwealths, each city a starlike seat

Of rival glory; they--fallen Italy--

Nor must, nor will, nor can, despair of Thee!

[114] 1845. They--who have heard thy lettered sages treat 1842.

THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, VOL. 8 (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora