Chapter 74: One More Month

Start from the beginning

"Well, yeah..."

Levi sighed, placing it on top of my bed. "Why would you pack it if you're going to use it?"

Realization finally hit me as Levi said those words. That's right, I am going to use that tomorrow. Why the hell did I pack it?

"You've been spacing out a lot this past week," Levi said quietly, not slowing down his pace.

I blinked in surprise. "I have?"

Levi nodded. "Yes, you have."

I looked away, not replying anything. To be honest, I was starting to remember bits and pieces from the whole event with Eren. Every now and then, the memory of that menacing whisper I heard would echo in my ears, sending shivers down my spine.

Erwin's breakdown scene wasn't disappearing from my head either. All of it was just a swirling mess in my head, and it keeps on getting bigger and bigger and--

"Oi!" Levi's fingers snapped in front of my face, making me jerk back into reality.

"See, you just spaced out again."

By now, Levi has stopped folding my clothes and turned his full attention on me. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

We both stared at each other for a moment. I could only see what seemed to be concern in Levi's beautiful blue-gray eyes.

"There has been a lot in my mind," I finally admitted with a sigh, noticing how exhausted my voice sounds.

"What is the brat thinking about so much that she's spacing out every couple of minutes?" Levi asked, his voice becoming soft and slightly teasing.

I wish I could tell you Levi....

I let my gaze trail away, unsure of what to say. "....Erwin's been kinda... off." I decided to keep quiet about the whole whispers and voices in my head.

"Erwin?" There was a slight edge to his voice, along with a hint of surprise and bitterness. "That's what you've been thinking about?"

I nodded reluctantly, looking up to see Levi's reaction. To my surprise, his face was eeriely void of any expressions, which was a rare thing that would happen whenever he was alone with me. He stared at me, his eyes blank and completely unreadable.

"What's wrong with Erwin?" He asked, no sign of any softness in his voice from before. I fiddled with my fingers as I thought of the answer. "Umm, it feels like he's wearing... a mask."

Levi slightly tilted his head. "Hasn't he always been?"

I was taken aback at Levi's casual reply. "What?"

"He's always been wearing a mask," he said icily. "There's no way he could always smile like nothing's happened if it wasn't for a mask. He's not exactly living a fun life either."

I waited for a moment, before deciding to ask Levi the question. "Levi, what's going on between Erwin and Hanji?"

"Eyebrows and Shitty Glasses? What of them?" Curiousity seeped into his reply.

"It's obvious they have a thing for each other, but why does Erwin say they can't be together?"

Levi flinched, looking away. "He-- I mean, they must have their own reasons."

I narrowed my eyes. "Then why was Erwin so overwhelmed with guilt when he told me last week?"

Levi's eyes flashed in surprise. "He told you?"

"He said and I quote, 'It was all because of me'. And judging from your reaction, I take it you know the reason?"

Levi hesitated, before shaking his head. "It's not my place to say."

I was getting slightly annoyed by his answers. "What? Why? But aren't you all--"


I stopped myself before I could finish, realizing how close it was. Levi's gaze sharpened as he stared at me intensely. "We are what?"

I gulped. "Aren't we all close friends?" I can only hope that was enough to cover up my stupidness.

Levi still had his glare, but decided not to pursue what I meant any further. "Close friends, yes. But it's up to them to tell you or not. It's not my place," he answered coldly.

Levi stood up once he finished folding most of my clothes, walking away. "Pack your stuff, properly this time. Hurry up."


"How much longer is it?" Petra asked, looking exhausted. I don't blame her. I could feel my muscles straining as we made our way higher up the snowy mountain.

The further we went, the steeper and rockier it got, making it harder to climb.

"Not long," Erwin replied, tossing some of his bags over a high ledge before heaving himself up. "The cabin should be a little away from here."

Eren got himself up, helping me afterwards. I watch bitterly through the corner of my sight as Levi helped Petra up. The brunette was quick to catch my dark expression. "What's up with you and Levi?"

I shrugged, turning my attention away from them. Ever since yesterday's conversation, Levi had been ignoring me completely. Why? Who knows. I really can't give another shit about his mood swings right now.

We walked on for another 30 minutes until the cabin was finally in sight. It was surprisingly almost identical to one from before. I let out a sigh of relief at the thought of resting from a 4+ hour hike in freezing snow and wind.

In front of me, Hanji fell to her knees. "Thank the Walls!" She exclaimed happily, dropping all her bags, scrambling up and sprinting to the cabin.

"Hanji wait!" Armin tried to call out, but of course, it ended up in vain.

"Fucking Shitty Glasses," Levi muttered in absolute annoyance, walking past everyone who was left standing in surprise from Hanji's sudden outburst.

Erwin gave a heavy sigh, picking up Hanji's bags that she left behind. Eren, who was beside me, quickly rushed forward and offered to carry one of her two bags, to which Erwin accepted gratefully.

1 more month. Just 1 more month before this is all over.

Repositioning my bag, I took a deep breath, ignoring the cries of pain from my limbs and continued walking forward with the thought and hope that this would all soon be over.

Little did I know this was the last step needed for the beginning of something far worse.


Gotta say thank you to the following songs, for helping me finish up the chapter :")

- All Falls Down (my fav)
- Fireflies
- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- idontwannabeyouanymore
- Hypnosis Mic Division All Stars
- 2002
- Fighter
- Galway Girl
- Payphone

Wrote this chap while dancing like a madman :)

Also, im tingling with excitement rn. We're getting to the really juicy parts.

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