Hyung can I call you

Taehyung please. Please

'The person you have called is currently unavailable. Please try again later or leave your message after the tone'.

Jungkook. I'm so sorry I don't want to bother you.

I'm so scared

About 2 hours had passed since Jimin came home. He was on his bed, laying in the dark, crying to himself silently. The tears flowed freely, no matter how much time passed. He was distraught and didn't know what to do with himself. None of the boys were answering.

His heart hadn't stopped thudding against his chest the whole time.


All of the guys staggered into the dorm complex after 12am. They had such a busy day behind them, and all were completely shattered.

Jungkook finally managed to look down at his phone when they all went to the living room. Seeing multiple messages from Jimin as well as a few missed calls made him quirk his eyebrow in confusion. It was only when he saw the content of the texts that he started to get worried.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook whispered, grabbing his hyung by his shirt and pulling him upstairs quickly.

"Hey, hey, JK, what's the rush? What's the matter?" he questioned, clearly in the dark about everything.

"Did Jimin text you?" Jungkook asked, immediately plugging his phone onto charge. Taehyung grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through the multiple messages.

"Yeah a few times actually. Somethings up. Call him"

Jungkook pressed the phone against his ear and waited for Jimin to pick up.


"Jimin? I'm sorry we didn't see your messages. We were performing. Are you okay? What's up?"

"Y-yeah. Actually no. I'm not okay. Something happened and uh...".

"Hang on. Let me pop you on loudspeaker. Hyungs here too"

"I was coming out of work. And one of the guys I work with... he uh..."

Hearing Jimin cry out softly, and not be able to say the rest of the sentence broke Jungkook a little. He cradled his phone close almost as if it was Jimins face.

"What did he do Jimin" Taehyungs stern voice echoed through the room. He stood up and moved so that he could be closer to the phone.

Jimins soft cries filled the room and the two members anxiously awaited a response. This eerie quiet air just hung about the room, deafening silence, while Jimin tried to get enough courage to speak. All kinds of things were going through their minds.

"Are you hurt?" Jungkook questioned, brows furrowed in worry.

"No. I'm o-okay. I'm home. I'm safe now".

"Jiminie, please tell us what happened" he coaxed again.

It was difficult for Jimin to gather up the courage. It was almost like he had to admit that he was weak and pathetic.

"He pulled me to some side alley. And... and pushed me down and tried to get me to, he tried t-to get me to..." but he wasn't able to finish. Both boys had a pretty good idea of where that was going.

Taehyung felt electricity shoot through his body.

His chest fell up and down from the rapid breathing. It was as if something was building up inside of him and was about to explode any second. Jungkook noticed and placed his hand on Taehyungs wrist.


"He what?!"

"I-I hurt him and ran away. But he was so strong. He pushed me really hard against a wall. I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding. Or at the most scratched. But he told me that he knows I've wanted to do this to him. That I need to do him a favour" again his tone came out so soft and broken.

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair and then grabbed the phone out of Jungkooks hand to bring it close to his own mouth. "Are you home now? Are you okay? Did he do anything else to you?"

"No. He was rolling around on the floor in pain when I ran. Just the scratches. I've been home for a while. Trying to get through to you"

"Aish Jiminie we're so sorry. We were performing. I wasn't even able to check my phone" Jungkook said. He wanted to kick himself for leaving his phone on charge when they had a few minutes break. He at least could have comforted Jimin in the moment.

"No. It's okay. I thought you might be busy. I'm sorry, I just didn't have anyone else to talk to. And I was so scared"

Taehyung let out a big breath through his nose and paced the room. "Fuck. Jimin. You're not going back there. You're calling your manager, reporting that mother fucker of an asshole and quitting with immediate effect"

"Hyung..." Shit he sounded so pained and small. "I can't quit. I need to pay rent"

"Jimin you're not going back there. You're not do you hear me? God if I was there I'd find the fucker and beat the absolute living crap out of him".

"I was so scared" Jimin whispered. It made both members look to each other with pained expressions. Jimin was such a pure soul. He was such a good person and at times too innocent. It would have been so easy for that bastard to push him around. Of all people he deserved this the least and it made them ache for him.

"If I was there, pretty boy..." Taehyung said, his voice becoming softer as he whispered to the phone. "I wish I was there right now. I'd look after you".

Jungkook made Tae pass the phone back to him. "Please don't cry.  It hurts me to hear you upset. I'm so sorry for what happened Jimin. You're home now and that's where you're safe". Jungkook knew that the elder was right. Jimin couldn't go back to that place. Not with Hanjae still around. But he didn't want to mention this again to Jimin. Instead he wanted to tell him sweet nothings to get him to relax a little.

"Nothing like that will ever happen again".

"I-I just don't know where he got the idea that I wanted that...  I never gave him any indication of liking him. He's horrid really. I didn't even know he liked guys. So why, why did he even..."

"There are some evil people in the world Jimin" Taehyung breathed out "and they attack what's good. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You hear me?"

This went on for about 30 minutes. The two calmed Jimin down quite well. And they told him that he can call whenever he needed.

When the call ended Jungkook looked at Taehyung and just shook his head in disbelief. "What in the hell. Seriously"

"My poor boy" Taehyung added. "He did not deserve that at all. Of all people. He's not going back there"



The next morning Jimin woke up around 8 to his phone alerting him of a new message.

You're coming here.

Who is this?

We've figured it out. You're coming to Seoul

I'm sorry?

You're going to work for us. You're going to work with us for the summer.

Who is this??


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