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Taehyung's pov.

As i was going up the stairs with some books, heading to the library, someone bumped into me making the books drop on my feet. I then looked up, knowing who the person was immediately by her scent.

"Oww. Watch where you are going." I screamed at her. "Im soooo sooo sorryy. I didnt mean to." She apologize. " it's fine but pick up my books." I commanded. "Okay." She then bend down and grabbed the books and handed it to me. "Please watch where you are going Y/n, I wont forgive you next time." "Okay, im sorry Taehyung, i promise i wont do it again." She said hoping she can leave. "Okay but why are you in the rush anyways?" I said annoyed. "Oh, just meeting up woth jungkook" She replyed. "Oh, i see." I said suspiciously. "Yeah..can i go now?" She asked panicky. "Yeah, go. Idc." I said and walked away.

As i was walking away as i thought about a plan, a plan that can only make jungkook love Yuri more...even that hurts me the most. I want to be honest with myself, i know that Yuri is too good for me and she only sees me as her brother, she'll never love me back the same way as i love her but it's okay, as long as she is happy then i am happy. But back to the plan. I quickly walk into the library to put the books on the coffee table so i can read it later and walked out to find Yuri.

When i found Yuri, she was already looking outside angrily. She was furious, she then turned to me and made a sad pouty face. "Taehyung-ah" she said as her eyes watered. I then walked and pulled her into my chess as she cried. When she was done i told her that i had a plan and she smiled. I told he the plan and she was in a rush to put the plan into action.

"Jungkook-ah!" I called out to him. "Yes hyung?" He replied back. "I need you to do something for my really quick. "What is it hyung?" "Just come on and you'll see." Jungkook then look at Y/n and said " I'll be back quickly, stay here okay?" "Okay, I'll be here waiting." She said and jung kook left with me into the mansion.

"Hyung, what do you want me to do? We've been just walking around." He questioned me. "I dont actually need you to do anything i just want to talk about something with you." "What is hyung?" "Okay, it's about Y/n. Please stay aways from her. She isn't a good person." He then looked at me angrily. "Hyung, how is she a bad person? She haven't even done anything wrong." He pointed out. "If you just wanna talk like this hyung then i am gonna go back" he said as he walked back to the garden with me following close behind, waiting for the show to begin.


Hi, this is another short chapter. I hope yall enjoy it. Ik yall been waiting and i am sorry. I will try to publish as much as i can but it wont be much.

But anywayss.

Bye, till next time..?

°~Vampire Rose~°(Jeon Jungkook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant