chapter 8 - checking up on the hostage

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Pumpkin/Esmeralda remembered being with Damien and Alana, but as everything started to go black, she was in the arms of someone else. She doesn't remember struggling and she definitely doesn't remember being put into a dark room and being left there alone.

Pumpkin stayed still as she didn't want to hurt herself as she couldn't figure out why she was kidnapped. I hope it isn't because of Damien enjoying my presence. She thought as she didn't want Damien to get hurt because he has to save her. "Dang it," she spoke softly as she realized that Damien will come to rescue her and Alana will probably be with him as backup or something.

She didn't want them to get hurt, but she knew that they would risk their lives for her. She sighed when she realized that she couldn't really move. The door to her prison very suddenly and Pumpkin leaped onto her feet, getting ready to hide from her kidnapper. "Don't even bother trying, woman," a voice had growled out, scaring Pumpkin to the point where she fell back into a sitting position.

She knew that voice, but it was impossible for him to even find her. The man's shoes made sounds as he walked closer and closer to his hostage. When he got closer, Pumpkin raised her eyes up to see Damien's so-called best friend on one side and Damien's boss on the other side. "Why are you-!" Damien's boss gagged her with his hand.

"Damn it! You told me that she wouldn't recognize you," Damien's boss glared at Roger when he said this.

"Alana shot me, but she didn't check thoroughly," Roger smirked at the way Pumpkin was staring at him. She was afraid as she was told that Roger was killed by a bullet. Pumpkin couldn't believe it. She knew that Damien thought that he was suspicious, but this was too much on the scale of suspicious. Everyone knew that Damien didn't like his boss. It was a done deal that Damien hated his boss. 

"This is bad! She recognized you!" The man shouted at Roger, who glared at the man.

"You listen to me and you listen good. Don't shout at me and keep on sending those fucking notes like you've been doing," he ordered the man and Damien's boss froze from fear at Roger glaring at him. 

"But, the woman..." He was interrupted by Roger's intense glare and he ran off to write a new letter for Damien to find at his door step. When Roger was sure that the man was gone, he turned to Pumpkin and he smirked at her. 

"Damien didn't trust me and I'm still surprised that he was still unable to figure it out," he tells Pumpkin, who wanted to cry out of fear at how deranged Roger looked at the moment. His hair looked wild, as if he had been hard at work. The look in his eyes was chilling as if he wanted to kill Pumpkin. Roger then pulled back and he calmed down slightly. "But, don't worry, he'll be here to save you," he tells Pumpkin, holding her chin to force her to look at him.

"Damien would never fall for such an obvious trap," Pumpkin tells Roger, who knew that Pumpkin wasn't really arguing with him, which is why he didn't get mad at her. 

"You're right, my dear, but let's see here, you're the bait," when Roger's words processed in Pumpkin's mind, horror took over her features and Roger couldn't help but to cackle at Pumpkin's frightened expression. 

"Why?" Pumpkin asked the only thing she could think of at the moment. Roger stopped cackling as he heard Pumpkin asked her question. He pretended to think for a bit and then he got right in Pumpkin's personal place, smirking as he placed a small peck on her cheek. Pumpkin flinched from another man kissing her and Roger smirked at her. 

"Damien's a hard man to tangle with. You make the perfect bait for a heartless man like him. He cares for you so fucking much and it's easy for you to say that you love him, don't you?" Roger asked Pumpkin, making her look away from him. Roger enjoyed Pumpkin's reaction to the truth that he was telling her. He enjoyed the agony that he was giving Pumpkin as her eyes started to leak as tears fell down her otherwise unmarked face. "Aw, don't cry, darling. Damien doesn't deserve a woman that cries for him," he spoke with an uncharacteristically deep voice and Pumpkin froze from the closeness as Roger didn't stop coming closer towards her. He relished in the fact that Pumpkin feared him. 

He knew that when Damien figures out that he betrayed him, he was going to be so pissed, but Roger didn't care about that. He needed to know how Damien managed to get Alana out of prison, where that monster belonged. He wanted Alana to go to jail and for Damien to die. Roger only used Damien's boss because the man was weak. He only wanted Damien on his team because he knew that Damien would get the work done. The funny thing though, Roger knew that it was all Pumpkin's doing. He knew that Damien would never waste his time on decoding pointless shit that wasn't important to him, which was why Pumpkin always offered to do it for him. If anything, her getting kidnapped by Roger was her own damn fault in Roger's opinion. 

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