Slick With It

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Beyoncé's POV
January 26, 1999

As I was getting off work Onika had texted me again, this being the fifty-eleventh time since I left her house asking me am I coming I back. I never replied. When I come over there she'll know, it'll be on my time and unexpected. She ended up calling and I answered being sick of feeling harassed.

"You know this is harassment right?" I asked her. She smacked her lips.

"What you think coming over my house this morning unwanted was?" She snapped back.

"Why you been ignoring me?" She added before I could answer the last question.

"First off, I came to check on you which turned into checking you, secondly I've been at work, somewhere you should have been too Onika." I said turning out of the parking garage.

"Stop pestering me. You know what bye beyonce." She pouted. I frowned my face up with an annoyed look.

"Did I not just have this talk with you this-

She hung up on me. The fact that I know what she's trying to do makes me laugh. She's not slick. Onika loves manipulating people into playing her game but that stops today. She knew that hanging up on me would cause me to come over there. Not going to happen. She needs to learn to use her words instead of her actions because her actions is going to her her fucked, not literally just saying.


I pulled into my driveway seeing Kelly's car as well and furrowed my eyebrows. The fact I just realized she didn't show up to work and I didn't care to realize made me laugh. I was on Onika's ass but she AND Alicia slipped my mind. Don't they know today is Monday? A week day and not a weekend.

I shook my head turning the car off and grabbed my phone and purse. I got out of the car pulling the house keys out of my purse and unlocked the door. I took my shoes off and walked in sitting my things on the island counter. I looked around the house seeing clothes everywhere and my OCD started to kick in.

"KELLY!" I yelled going into the bedroom. She was laid out across the bed butt naked. I wasn't phased at all. I tapped her shoulder and she shrugged me off causing me to push her out the bed.


"Hi, good evening. Now that I have your attention, clean my fucking house! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked her not really wanting an answer. I stepped over a pizza box and stomped it when I got annoyed all over again. My OCD is very bad.

"That was unnecessary." She said shaking her head. I rolled my eyes stepping into the bathroom.

"Kelly what the fuck?!" I yelled almost busting my ass from the pool of water on the floor inside my bathroom. I held the bridge of my nose and counted down from ten to one. I opened my eyes and turned around looking at her as she put her robe on.

"You know I like a clean house. You know I get upset when shit is not in place! So since you know all this why the fuck is the house a mess?! A house you pay no bills in! All I asked of you is to keep it clean!" I yelled. I knew my face was red. I wasn't just mad about the house, although that played a huge part. But also from what Nicki told me she said about me.

"Beyoncé calm down it is not that serious." She chuckled picking her phone up.

"Kelly does it look like I'm fucking playing with you right- you know what you right. Get out." I said fed up. She looked up at me trying to read me.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yes. Get out. It shouldn't be a issue. You don't care about me-

"Yes I d-

"Girl get the fuck out of here. I know what the hell you told Onika about me." I said. She looked at me with that fake ass confused look.

"You'd take Alicia over me any day right? So take her ass. Ask her can you stay with her and Onika since y'all so in love and involved with one another." I said folding my arms. Kelly looked at a lost of words. I could almost laugh if I wasn't so pissed. 

"Beyoncé I didn't mean any of that. I was just talking. Come on you know how I am." She said pleadingly.

"Exactly, even more reason to put you out. You're manipulative, a cheater, a liar, and a user. Yea you need to leave." I said shaking my head.

"I know I cheated as well but like you said you saw it coming. You cheated on me when I was loyal to your ass. I took you in. I paid for everything so you wouldn't be so stressed out behind bills like you used to. Kelly I didn't have to do any of that. Yea I made you continue to work, I can't pay the bills in this big ass house you picked out, the three cars out side in our driveway and your fucking child support from when you cheated on me with that guy three years ago that no one knows about because you wanted to leave for ten months acting like you got a job offer and you didn't AND take care of your needs. All you had to worry about was yourself. You didn't see the struggle I went through to get where we are now just to make your ungrateful ass happy, or did you and decided to ignore it?" I asked she sat on the bed quietly with tears building up in her eyes. If I learned one thing about myself, I know how to check a bitch and break that ass down to tears.

"Beyoncé." She sobbed. I shook my head once more.

"Nah. I don't want to hear it. I'll give you a good two weeks to get your shit together, after that you gone, for good. I loved you. Wish you could have seen how much I went through for you. Just know this one thing, you done lost the best you've ever had. Clean this shit up." I said walking out of the room leaving her to cry harder.

I went down stairs grabbing my car keys looking at the time. It was almost 7. I guess I'll treat myself to something to eat then pop up over at Onikas. Hopefully Alicia isn't there and Kelly call her ass, if she is.....


Excuse any mistakes.

Wow. Hmm.

Thoughts on this chapter.




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