Dinner Date

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Beyoncé POV
January 19, 1999
Las Vegas

We sat around the circular table. The room had been dimly lit by candles and the music was just right. I stared at my beautiful wife of eight years, Kelly. We were having dinner with our friends from work Onika and Alicia who had also been married. We've been knowing them since grade school and haven't fallen out since. Aside from all that I'd like to let you guys in on what's been happening, but not just yet. I want to see how this plays out.

"So are we going to sit here and act like Beyoncé didn't just get promoted to lead executive?" Kelly asked. I smiled shyly looking down.

"Congrats baby." She smiled kissing my neck. I nodded as a thank you and looked up to spot Onika giving me an awkward stare. She's been staring at me a lot lately.

"Congrats bey." Nicki smirked. I nodded awkwardly and continued to drink on my wine.

"So what are you ordering baby?" Alicia asked nicki. I looked over my menu deciding on what to get.

"Beyoncé picked this spot right? I'll have whatever she's having, it's obvious she has good taste." Nicki said with a wink towards the end. I could feel myself getting hot. Was she flirting with me in front of both of our wives? I thought we agreed to keep this just between us. I gave off a small laugh.

"I don't know, I've never been here before so I honestly wouldn't know what's good and what's not." I said taking another sip.

"Alicia what are you getting?" Kelly asked. Alicia was the foody in our group of friends. She ate any and everything.

"I don't know but this smothered pork chop looks really good." She said.

"Smothered pork chops it is." Kelly said. My phone vibrated in my purse causing Kelly to look at me.

"No distractions." She said sternly. I ignored her pulling my phone out to see a text from Onika.

Nicki❤️: meet me in the bathroom.

Me: *restroom.

I put my phone back and looked up to see nicki already gone. I pretended to sneeze and excuse myself to the restroom.

"Nicki." I whispered. Seconds later I was being attacked by a midget with kisses to the neck.

"Oh my god Onika stop! What are you doing?!" I semi yelled.

"What? Beyoncé you were out there looking like a whole snack and expected not to jump your ass?" She questioned.

"Nicki no. I told you it was a mistake the first time around and it can never happen again." I said. Nicki rolled her eyes.

"You don't mean that-

"Yes I do. You can't-

Before I could finish my sentence her lips were on mine. I couldn't push her away. I kissed her back as she started to feel on my body. Her hand made its way up my skirt causing me to gasp once she made contact with my soaked panties.

"Mmmm who did that?" She smirked pushing me into a stall.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She looked at me knowing what I was talking about.

"Well you're always taking control so I thought, maybe for once I can be in control." She said. I nodded. But this didn't even feel right. She's so small it looks like a chihuahua versus a pit bull.

"I understand. But no. I don't even let Kelly-

"This is not about Kelly. And what I tell you about bringing her up when it's our time? I don't want to hear it." She said fixing herself. I guess she wasn't in the mood anymore.

"Nicki this is wrong. Going behind our wives back like that? What if they were doing this behind our backs with each other? You would have an entire fit." I said. Nicki put her hand up to stop me from talking any further.

"But it wouldn't happen, why? Because my wife is loyal. Unlike yours who goes around sleeping with men, like seriously bey? When are you going to open your eyes and realize she doesn't want you the way I want you?" Nicki asked. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Ima let that shit you just said slide. But you're no different. You have a loyal woman by your side. What's your fucking excuse? You sleep with me then go back to her like nothing happened. Then your midget ass have the audacity to flirt with me in front of your LOYAL wife like she's not sitting right there next to you!" I yelled.

"Leave my height the fuck out of this! I have my reasons. She might be loyal but she's boring as fuck! She doesn't touch me like she used to and when she does it's like three seconds and she's done with me. Beyoncé you're the only fun I have in my life don't take it away from me." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please. If your having sex with me who else are you having fun with Onika? See that's the kind of shit you have to think about with another married woman. We can never be together. You cheated on her because your bored. Who's to say you want get bored with me and do the same thing. Then you'd definitely be another Kel-

"Finish the fucking sentence I dare you. You can't compare me to her, why? Because I'm better than her. Kelly is a hoe, I'm a cheater. She's a cheater and a hoe." Nicki said. I twisted up my face. Hopefully she heard how ignorant she sounded.

"Nicki you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. You know what? Let's just stop this right here, we've been in here long enough anyway." I said. I go to walk out and opened the door and Onika reached for me. But as she reaches for me Kelly and Alicia are just entering the restroom, kissing....


First chapter is short. I'm typing up the next chapter as you read. It'll be longer.

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