Sorry Im Not Her

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January 22, 1999
Las Vegas

Onika laid stretched out over Beyoncé as if she wasn't there. Her exposed freshly shaved legs laid draped across Beyoncé's pelvis. Here left arm under Beyoncé's chin and her head hung to the side of the bed as her hair forcefully swept the floor by the fan before her. A content smile displayed on her face as she dreamed about whatever had been going on in her head.

Beyoncé, on the other hand, slept uncomfortably as she did anytime Onika slept over in her bed. Usually she'd put Onika out of her bed after sex but somehow little miss thang always found her way back under Beyoncé.

Beyoncé's eyes fluttered opened adjusting to the dim sunlight that streamed in through the bedroom windows. The crook in her neck unbelievably painful as she tried to force herself to move in the opposite direction of Onika, who clung to her like a leech.

She stretched her arm out for her phone glancing at the time. Sitting her phone beside her she removed onikas hand from under her neck and her leg from over her pelvis bone. Although she slept like a beast, Beyoncé loved waking up next to Onika. The reason was unexplainable. She sat up looking for the rest on Onika,by the rest meaning her head, and realized she was hanging off the side of the bed. Beyoncé chuckled getting out of bed and made her way to the opposite side adjusting Onika back onto the bed properly before she woke up like Beyoncé with a crook in her neck.

In the process of moving her, Beyoncé spotted hickies all over Nickis body and smirked after recalling the details of last night. Nicki had been the freakiest she'd ever encountered that night.

"What are you smiling for?" Nicki asked yawning scaring Beyoncé to a jump.

"Nothing. Just adjusting you." Beyonce said sitting on the side on the bed. Nicki sat up in her bra and looked at beyonce with squinted eyes.

"What the hell wrong with your neck?" She asked after noticing the tilt in Beyoncé's head.

"You." Beyonce said rubbing her neck. Nicki furrowed her eyebrows pulling the sheet up on her body.

"Oh, well fix it. You look stupid." She said laying back down. Beyoncé furrowed her eyebrows snatching the sheet off of Nicki.

"Beyoncé it's cold as shit in here! Give me back the sheet!" Nicki yelled sitting up trying to snatch the sheet back.

"No. A sheet not gonna help no way." Beyonce said throwing the sheet on the floor. Nicki smacked her lips and kicked Beyoncé lightly laying back down.

"So tired of y'all hoes." Nicki mumbled under her breath causing Beyoncé to smack her exposed thigh.

"Um excuse me? What the hell is your problem?" Nicki asked rubbing her reddening thigh.

"Who you callin a hoe? If I'm a hoe you're a hoe." Beyonce said causing Nicki to sit up.

"I'm not a hoe so shut up calling me one. You out of fuckin line and ima need you to get back in it, callin me a damn hoe, I didn't do nothing to you!" Onika yelled.

"You just called me a hoe-

"So?! If I jump off a cliff you gon jump with me? I didn't think so, I swear you stay trying to play the damn victim in every situation, everything is not about you beyonce!" Nicki yelled getting upset. Beyoncé stayed quiet as she tried to analyze what just happened. She knew for a fact none of this was her fault, the only thing she didn't understand in the whole equation was Onika herself. She decided to dig a little further and ask Onika questions.

"Why are you mad at Alicia-

"Stop being so damn nosy." Onika said getting up to get dressed.

"Where the hell you going? Answer my question Nicki." Beyonce said watching Onika slide her jeans on.

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