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Well, I am jealous.
We all do feel jealous sometimes.
That is how we know we are human.
My jealousy isn't that strong,
It's minor.
Nevertheless it does hurt,
And it does bother me.
So I try not to think about it.
I try not to think about how you've found your way out,
When I'm still digging and clawing the dirt to become free.
That's the reason I'm jealous.
You came out sooner and you moved on so quickly,
While I'm still here, trying to push away the negativity.
It's okay though,
It wasn't your fault.
No one is at fault.
At least you're happy,
And don't worry about me,
I'm sure I'll be able to crumple up this jealousy and throw it away,
And move on,
Just like you did.

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