I Just Can't Bring Myself To Hate You

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You held me in your arms,
Told me you loved me.
But, you left me,
Left me when i couldn't even walk.

If you had loved me,
You wouldn't have done what you had done.
Leaving me thinking I was worthless,
But, someone else found me and helped me walk.
Gave me the love I needed...
No, gave me the love I wanted.

I haven't forgotten you, how could I?
But, please know that I haven't forgiven you, yet.
Don't worry, my dearest,
I don't hate you, I can never hate you.
I love you, god,I love you.
My love for you burns like a thousand suns
But, i can't forgive you for what you've done,
For you have broken a piece of my fragile heart.

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