i shouldve made her dance with me a little longer

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we all have someone we want to call again,
someone we want to undress,
and someone we want dead...

i tell her not to be afraid, i'm not going away-
i tell her that i'll miss her, and i know what she'll say.. i don't miss you, that's not who i am and i'll laugh, saying she doesn't have to like me back

and i hope she'll do well, i hope she doesn't meet anyone better than me..
(it's not that hard baby; i know..)
i hope there's someone underneath her, if i could just dig a little deeper, under how she ignores
the things i say,
how she wishes i was someone else, (maybe if i was prettier, smarter or resembled any of her idols in any sort of way.)
how she wishes he would come-
and that's all right ,
everyone thinks i'm drunk
anyways.. stumbling around in the dark
mourning cause ill never be the first to be with her, but i'm sober, just like i promised my mother,
and its all right ,but who will i be with
when she's gone
all summer ?

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