"We think it would be safer for you if you two stay here," Charles explained. "Wouldn't it be safer to stick with the people with powers instead of leaving two young children at a mansion all alone where they could easily be kidnapped?" Jennifer questioned.

"Jen," a voice said and she frowned before looking up at Erik who gave her a stern look. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"But we want to come," Andrew argued. "We've been training. We can help!" "I don't doubt that you could, but where we are going is no place for children. You will stay here like Charles said and there will be no more complaining," Erik told them.

"But-" the twins started to say, but one stern look from Erik had them falling silent as they crossed their arms and pouted.

"We won't be gone for long," Charles assured them, their thoughts so loud that it was all he could hear. They hesitantly looked to the man and he gave them a small reassuring smile before he got up and walked over to the door where Raven, Sean, Moira, and Alex were waiting.

That left Erik and the twins.

Andrew and Jennifer were still pouting as they looked at the ground, hoping that their upset faces would get Erik to change their mind. Erik bent down in front of them and was silent as he waited for them to look at him.

It took a minute, but the twins eventually let their eyes flicker over to him. Erik offered a kind smile before saying, "I know you two don't see it right now, but this is the best option. Our number one priority is to keep you two safe and the safest place you could possible be is here and away from the battle."

Their faces softened slightly at that, but they kept their pouts on their faces, not wanting Erik to think he had won even though he already knew that he had.

Before either of the twins could blink, Erik had leaned forward and kissed each of their foreheads. Their pouts disappeared almost instantly and they softened as they looked at the man in front of them.

Erik, who almost seemed a little shocked at his actions, blinked in surprise before managing to smile at the twins once again. "We'll be back. Please try not to kill each other or burn down the house while we are gone," he told them.

"Be careful," Jennifer whispered. "We don't want to lose anyone else," Andrew muttered.

Erik nodded ever so slightly before pulling himself back up onto his feet. He then walked over to there everyone else was waiting by the door and they all looked back at the twins.

Jennifer and Andrew gave them small waves which the adults quickly returned before walking out the door. The door had barely had a chance to even shut before Jennifer and Andrew let their smiles fall, serious looks flashing across their faces as they glanced at each other.

"It will take them at least ten minutes to all pile into the car due to the fact that they can never decide who gets stuck sitting next to who, which gives us plenty of time to sneak into the back if we wanted to," Andrew explained. "So I guess my question is, do you want to sneak after them?"

Jennifer smirked, "Let's do it."

- - -

It was a miracle that Jennifer and Andrew managed to go unnoticed as they snuck into the car. But somewhere between Raven and Alex's bickering, they had been able to skip by and hide in the back when no one was paying attention. Then, to make sure they didn't find out about them, Jennifer had used her powers to block Charles from reading their minds.

Red and Silver ~ Peter Maximoff  [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora