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"I, uh

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"I, uh... I call it Cerebro," Hank said as the group all stood inside the small dome shaped building that was supposed to help them find more mutants. "You. . ." Charles chuckled softly.

"As in the Spanish for 'brain,'" Hank explained once he saw the confused look on the twins faces. "Yes," Charles said as he looked around in amazement.

"Okay, so, uh, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof," Hank explained as he pointed towards the helmet in the middle of the room that had a bunch of wires connected to it. "When he picks up a. . ." Hank cleared his throat. "Mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay, and then coordinates of their location are printed out here."

"You designed this?" Raven asked. "Yeah," Hank breathed out. The twins smiled widely. "You're so cool!" Andrew exclaimed making Hank blush slightly. He wasn't used to so much attention and the fact the twins seemed to love him was something he was definitely not used to.

"Can I try?" Jennifer asked. Hank chuckled and looked down at the girl. "Let's let Charles try it out first, okay?" Hank said. Jennifer frowned, but nodded her head. "Okay," she whispered.

Jennifer turned and watched as Charles pulled the Cerebro helmet down onto his head. "What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles," Erik told him. "Don't spoil this for me, Erik," Charles said. "Oh. I've been a lab rat. I know one when I see one," Erik replied.

"Okay. Great," Hank muttered as he checked the helmet on Charles' head. "Are you sure we can't shave your head?" Hank asked. Jennifer let out a small snicker at that while Charles frowned.

"Don't touch my hair."

"Okay," Hank walked over to one of the panels on the side of the room and pressed some buttons while Charles closed his eyes. The lights in the room began to dim and Jennifer hesitantly brought a hand up before placing it one Charles' arm. She closed her eyes as well as Charles allowed her to see into his mind and see what he was seeing.

Charles and Jennifer's eyes both shot open at the same time as they let out a loud gasp. Andrew was by his sister's side almost instantly but she waved him off. Her eyes were flickering all around her as she stared off in a daze.

She could see everything that Charles was seeing and the sight of all of the mutants who were just like her and her brother was enough to make her smile with tears in her eyes. Her parents had made them feel awful for being different, but seeing that there were so many like them out there made some of that pain go away.

"It's working," Jennifer whispered out while they all looked to her and Charles. She slowly brought her hand down and blinked away the fog from her eyes as she turned to her brother and Erik who was standing behind him.

Red and Silver ~ Peter Maximoff  [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now