1. A Surprise Visit

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 It was a rather average London day, one which would soon become a rather wonderful day for Aziraphale, but one which started out quite miserable after one angry customer had knocked an entire row of books off the shelf. Aziraphale had never encountered a customer so angry, and he didn't quite know why, but for some reason or another, it had happened, so Aziraphale moved on and put each book back in its place with love and care.

It was as he was placing a rather riveting novel back on the shelf that a welcome visitor appeared in the doorway, leaning lazily against the doorframe with a kind of charisma only a demon could possess. But then again, Crowley had tripped entering, so whatever devilish charisma he had Aziraphale knew could often be concealed by his angelic charms. That was part of the reason Aziraphale could even stand to be around Crowley, because no matter how much he tried to act charismatic and aloof, he had the heart of an angel in there somewhere. A fallen angel, yes, but Aziraphale thought that maybe those were the best kind.

"What can I do for you today, Crowley?" he said with a smile and a curt nod of the head. "I thought you might've called before dropping by. Caught me quite by surprise, you did."

Crowley shrugged. "Am I not allowed to surprise a friend? I suppose if you aren't happy to see me I can just head on home."

"No, not at all," Aziraphale said, shoving the last few books onto the shelf with absolutely no care at all. "I'm quite happy to see you. Any occasion for this visit?"

"Oh, none at all," Crowley said, shoving his hands in his pockets, flashing the kind of worried look that meant he definitely had a reason for being here.

"Oh," Aziraphale said, flustered. "I suppose I could make us a cup of tea or brew some coffee if you wanted."

"If it's no trouble."

"None at all," Aziraphale assured him. "None at all." He busied himself with heating the water and gathering teabags while Crowley idly browsed the books on the shelves. After watching his friend pretend to interest himself with literature for several minutes, Aziraphale finally cleared his throat to speak. "Okay, Crowley. Something it obviously up. You have never once even had the slightest inkling to be within five feet of a book, so much as gaze at them extensively as you are doing now. What is going on?"

Crowley's face turned red, almost matching his hair. "It's really nothing. Can't I just drop by for a cup of tea without you pestering me with questions? You angels always caring about people's emotions and whatnot—it's bloody ridiculous."

"I don't think it's ridiculous," Aziraphale said, slightly hurt, although he had gotten used to Crowley's jests at this point. "Crowley, if you're struggling with something—"

"—I'm lonely, alright?" Crowley snapped, picking up a book and throwing it angrily across the room. Aziraphale's eyes widened and Crowley noticed he looked a little scared. He hadn't been thinking, but he realized as soon as he saw that look on Aziraphale's face, throwing one of his books was almost the same as having literally thrown Aziraphale himself across the room. He apologized profusely and picked up the book, checking for any bruises and injuries before carefully placing it back on the shelf. "I'm sorry," he said one more time.

"You know, being honest, I get lonely too sometimes," Aziraphale said, his eyes lingering on the slightly damaged book.

"Listen, I'm sorry about the book, and for just dropping by like this. I figured ..." It wasn't like Crowley to get choked up on words. "I'm never lonely around you, you know? We have fun together."

"I agree."

Crowley sighed and looked out the window at the crummy London streets. "I almost wish it could just be you and me, you know?"

"I know. But it can't be. We're different sides, you and I."

"I thought we already agreed that it just has to be our side. Us. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Aziraphale smiled. "Yes, it would. But we're already risking it spending so much time together as it is."

"I just wish we could spend more, you know?"

"If being around me makes you happy, I suppose I could always move in with you," Aziraphale said, willing to do anything to make his cynical friend happy. Crowley's face lit up. "But I can't, I mean, I've got my books."

His face fell. "I understand."

"You could move in with me!" Aziraphale said with a smile and the enthusiasm of a small child offered candy.

"I've got my plants," Crowley sighed, but as he watched his friend's face fall, he revised his statement. "I can always transport them. Add a little green to this place."

"Oh really?! That would be wonderful, Crowley!"

"You're sure our sides wouldn't mind?" he teased.

"I'm sure they don't need to know."

Fallen Angels (Ineffable Husbands/Crowley and Aziraphale)Where stories live. Discover now