I sat there in silence not uttering a single word, like what am I supposed to do? Help him pick something to use on me? the only sound that could be heard in the room was my heavy pants and his footsteps, a grating yelp left my lips as my head was yanked back and my hair was pulled on harshly again.

"When I ask you a question you fucking answer it, do you understand?" He seethed pulling my hair harder with each tug.

"Yes" I spat at him feeling my energy being drained.

And you still have hope that you'd get out of here? Fucking pathetic

I tried blocking the voices, I couldn't bear any more torture, my adrenaline started kicking in as I could see his hands moving on the electroshock device, I started writhing in my chair as I saw the other nurse nearing the IV near my arm, my hands started shaking against the restraints but the didn't budge.

I hissed when I felt him injecting it in my arm, my body was shivering and my teeth started chattering as I saw him putting the electrodes on my head.

"No" I yelled at the top of my lungs "No,No,N- just let me fucking go! Someone get me out"
You'll always be like this, weak and a disappointment.

"God, just shut up, shut the hell up, I can't take it anymore" I was fighting against the ropes that were burning my skin, I couldn't calm down.


"Stop, please" I could hear my voice breaking, I lowered my head feeling dizzy.

"Oh, but we're just getting started" Raven said letting out a chuckle as I felt the electricity through my body and that was the last thing I heard before my vision started forming black dots and I drifted into a slumber.

I woke up in a wooden chair similar to the one I was in right before I woke up, my vision was foggy and unclear, my head was spinning and I had a headache that hurt so bad, the more I tried opening my eyes and get it adjusted to the light the more it started to grow.

"Finally awake, I see" I squinted my eyes to see that there were two men in suits with their guns in their waist band.

"W-who are you?" I asked feeling confused.

"Not that it's your position to be the one shooting questions but consider it as an act of kindness that I replied, we're your interrogators" he said lighting a cigarette and taking a drag of it "now, why don't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I asked feeling intimidated by this man since he's the only one who's handling the talking and the other one isn't, he's just sitting there eyeing me.

"Tell me why you murdered your own family? Why'd you kill your parents? Why won't you confess killing them?" I flinched at his tone, he was so calm yet his words were carrying venom.

"Maybe it's because I didn't do it, you're looking for someone to put the blame on, but certainly it's not me" I spat back at him.

"That's what they all say" he said blowing out the smoke before leaving the cigarette on the table and making his way over to my chair "now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, it's your choice Styles"

"I. Didn't. Do. It" I muttered sternly.

"Alright" he nodded his head before letting out a loud huff then looking around before his eyes fixated on me again.

Pain started flaring through my body as he pressed his hand on my thigh pressing on the open wound that was there, I squeezed my eyes instinctively shut as if it would lessen the pain.

"Why don't you fucking tell me? Huh? I know you fucking did it" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Frank, this is not legal, let go of him" the man who was sitting silent since that Frank started interrogating me finally spoke and I let out a sigh of relief as I felt him removing his hands, I don't how much of this I can take before I completely lose my sanity.

"You know, we tried reaching to your brother" he paused for a second studying my face with his pale blue eyes "but he disappeared, covering any tracks of him, it's like he never existed, but I am sure that if he hadn't ran away he would've confessed what you fucking did, you're a pathetic excuse of a brother, no wonder why he doesn't want anything to do with you"

I gulped at what he said, breathing seemed like the hardest thing to do right now, he was the only family I've left, he was my only hope, my anchor that could pull me out of this shit because he knows what had really happened, but I guess the whole universe was against me.

"I'll make you admit it" without a second thought he grabbed my head drowning it in water, I struggled with breathing and I kept fighting against him trying to loosen his grip on me but he was much more stronger than I could ever be, especially in this state

He pulled my hair back after a while, I started panting and exhaling heavily again but it only lasted for a few seconds before my head went back down under water again, at this moment I felt hopeless, there was nothing that could get me out of here, no matter how hard I tried convincing myself otherwise but it was the only truth that I spent lots of time ignoring.

"I'll make you talk" he pulled his gun out of his waist band then pressing it against my temple "I won't hesitate to do it"

"Then do it" I demanded, death was the only thing that would get me out of this absolute torture.

He stared blankly at me before hitting me with the back of the gun making my head tilt harshly to the left, I spat blood before he took my chin in his hands.

"Death would be so much better and easier for you, but I am not planing on making this any easier" he hissed at me before turning around to the other man "what do you think we should do to him, Dean?"

I watched as he flinched at my state, I could see the sympathy in his eyes, I was praying he could make this stop.

"I think you should stop this, he just woke up and not to mention what he went through right before he did" he spat at Frank watching as his expression remained as angry as it was.

Frank looked at me one more time before punching my jaw with his fists, I let out a loud cry of pain, as I fell on the ground with the chair and he kept kicking me mercilessly in my stomach and everywhere else, I closed my eyes in pain, there was nothing I could do to stop this, except for one thing.

"I d-did i-it" I stuttered mumbling lowly.

He stopped his punches and kicks leaning to my level so his face was right in front of mine "I can't hear you" he said with his sick smirk, pressing on my wound once again.

"I did it, I fucking did it, I killed them, plea-" I coughed badly feeling my chest tightening "just stop"

"Now was that so hard?" He asked plopping back down on his chair "and that's how you get someone to confess, Dean Hoult"

Thought you were stronger than this, but I guess not.

I updated just like I promised, hope you like it.

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