Chapter Four: Photoshop is a Pain

Start from the beginning

Danny walked to school the next morning with heavy dark bags under his eyes, hanging like sags of chocolate milk. His white shirt with the red oval in the middle was crinkled because he was rushing in the morning to get it on, hanging loosely on his body, giving it no frame whatsoever. Sure Danny didn't have the perfect body like the jocks did in his school, but he did have muscles and framed arms and chest from all the ghost fighting. His hands and fingers looked swollen red, decorated from the tip of his finger to his biceps. It was most likely caused by all the typing and leaning forward on the computer than the ghosts themselves.

He had to drag his legs along, forcing them to reach his locker so he can at least get his books and walk to his first class to get some sleep. Danny was glad Dash hadn't picked on him yet, or he would've seriously collapsed on the floor right there. He did regret staying up late. He reminded himself to stop listening to his best friend for a change.

Tucker wasn't any better, wearing the same look, with the heavy bags hanging from his eyes and slugging body that looked to have no life in them. It was clear to Sam that her friends have indeed not listened to her advice (not like she was expecting them to) and decided to continue with their game to who knows how long. Her brain was urging her to scold them for not listening to her but she forced herself not to.

Danny phased his arm into the locker, too tired to open it like a human being. At this point, he didn't care if someone had seen him turn his hands intangible. If they did, it was not like they were gonna believe he was a ghost. It was morning. Nobody was fully awake.

He grabbed his binders and books, flipping through them and checking to see he had everything he needed, his mind however still not entirely focused in school. He then turned to face his female friend, who was looking at him like how a mother would look at a kid when they were caught guilty with cookies.

Sam opened her mouth to say something smart but then stopped herself, shaking her head instead. She knew it wouldn't do her any good if she scolded him. After all, he wasn't a child and he didn't need someone to teach him. That was Jazz's job.

"Oh. Hey," he finally said, noticing that his friends were present and looking at him, as the pair rolled their eyes.

"Glad you noticed. For a second, I thought we turned ghost instead," Sam dryly said as Tucker chuckled. Instead of replying with a snarky remark, Danny shook his head instead, walking in front of them and down to the hallway.

"Sorry. I'm feeling kind of tired today," he said, waving it off.

"You think?" Tucker replied as the two friends followed after Danny, catching up to him.

"Danny, we gave you an extra week to catch up on sleep and school. But you spent the whole time playing 'Doomed' with Tucker," Sam said in dismay, crossing her arms.

"I haven't played the game since the time Lancer made me study for an exam and when Technus decided to rule the technology world. Shouldn't I have time to do something I want to do, like a normal human boy?" Danny retorted back, stopping to turn to face his female friend and make sure nobody had heard what he said.

"Danny, I'm not telling you not to have fun every once in a while, in fact, I want you to go out and spend less time dealing with those troublemaking ghosts. Honestly, it pains me to see you protecting the city when you're just a teenage boy who has school and fun to experience. But you should also spend the time getting the sleep you need and getting good grades on school work, especially since exams are soon," she explained, sighing a bit before starting to walk again, motioning her two male friends to follow her.

"I guess you're right. I'll try to be more productive today," he finally replied, as Sam nodded, satisfied with his answer before taking his arm and leading him to the other direction. He was walking to the wrong class and she couldn't help but shake her head.

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