Suddenly images of pair of blue eyes staring at me confused and lost popped in my mind. Maverick ignored my question if that small boy is her child or not. She said it was not my business to know. I, of course, I'm dying from curiosity, but I know when I need to keep to myself and when not.

A huge part of me telling that he's really are her son... same eyes, facial structure, plus he called her mom... but other parts of me want to believe it was just coincidence and him just being similar to her. I don't know, but thought about her having someone in her life makes me want to run and jump from the nearest cliff.

I hate to think about her and someone other.

I hate that and I don't know why.

"What's up with you and my sister?" Maverick asked out of nowhere making me choke on juice I was drinking.

"What do you mean?" I coughed putting the empty glass on the table and look at Maverick with wide eyes.

Her blue eyes were light, almost icy cold as she stares, waiting for my normal answer. I gulped suddenly feeling naked as her intense look didn't leave for a second my face. My heart rate speeds up, starting pump my blood faster in my veins.

Why does she ask me that?

"Nothing... nevermind." Maverick muttered before standing up and putting a couple of bills on the table. "I'll be in the car, try not to get in the trouble."

And with that, she left me looking at her back with wide eyes and wondering what does she had in mind by asking that. What's up with me and Lacy? We just new friends, trying to get to know each other better, plus Lacy can't stop asking questions about Sophie... which is the main topic of our conversations. 

Grumbling under nose I put another bunch of bills on the table and almost ran after Maverick who was already in my black Mercedes. She didn't give me a spare glance when I got inside car as she brought the engine to life and drove out of the parking lot.

"What was that?" I asked pushing myself further to the seat.

"What was that?" Maverick repeated my question with a flat tone looking straight ahead.

"Don't play dumb on me now. What was that in the restaurant?" I reaped through gritted teeth.

"I don't know, princess. We just had lunch... what do you think it was?" She gave sideways look before bringing eyes at the road again. Her hand gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"You're acting weird," I muttered giving up on interrogating her. It seems like she doesn't want to have a conversation with me which infuriates me. I want to know what she meant by asking what's up with me and Lacy.

Maybe she's jealous? Of what? I don't know, but right now she's acting very similar to Jake, my ex-boyfriend who had serious jealousy problems. But again, I probably just imagining things, why would she be jealous? I'm just a simple rich girl who needs protection.

It's a problem with her sister she's worried about.

Sighing I picked the phone and saw an email from my dad saying he would be waiting for me in an hour at his company and a couple of messages from Sophie and Lacy. Sophie of course, complain about how school sucks and how she wants to have vocations. Lacy asked surprisingly about her annoying sister.

I told Maverick to drive me to my dad's company so I could finally get to know what he want's from me. I hope it's not about his sick plans to set me a date with his friend's sons or daughters for the gala. He tried yesterday at the dinner table, but lucky me I manage to get away from it.

I hate when someone tries to pick me a date, especially my dad.

He has the worst taste in the whole world and always pick snobby, rich guys who can't do anything without their daddy money. I mean, I don't mind the money I get from my dad, but I don't go around and tell people what do just because my dad is rich.

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