II: Much Ado About Everything

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Crushing the butt of his cigarette under his shoe and flicking it into a nearby waste bin, Keith strolls into his visual arts class with a face blank of any and all emotion although his brain contradicted his cool exterior.

As he takes a seat at his usual table, dozens of anxious thoughts and nervous questions wreak havoc behind the backs of his eyes, all of them harshly pushing and pulling back and forth in hopes of getting caught in the forefront of his mind—becoming the most important thought, so to speak.

Keith groans quietly as he rubs at his eyes, feeling what could be the world's worst migraine coming on. He had been so preoccupied with Lance—wow, that's a first—that he hadn't really noticed how absolutely drained he was, how unbelievably hung over.

I slept with my best friend's boyfriend.

Keith sighs in defeat, fluttering his eyes shut as he rested his head in his hands. There was no denying it, avoiding it; no room to tiptoe around it—he had slept with Allura's boyfriend and he's probably going to hell. (If being gay wasn't enough of a reason, that is.)

"Rough night?" A voice then asks with a hint of a amusement. Suddenly, Keith is the most awake, definitely-not-hungover person in the universe.

"Kinda," he replies almost instantly. It comes out softer and drowsier than he anticipated—sheepish sounding almost. His face burns the deepest shade of red as Tanner—his classmate/crush—barks out a laugh, shaking his head.

"That's alright, man. What happened?" He asks, his signature smirk (that made Keith go weak at the knees) gracing his pink lips.

Keith pauses for a second, trying to recollect his thoughts. "Well, uh...I'm not entirely sure..." he admits bashfully.

Tanner raises his eyebrows, amber eyes flicking down to a spot on Keith's neck. Keith instantly slaps a palm over what had to be Lance's doing, thinking back to earlier when he angrily stared into Shiro's mirror. His pale skin had been littered with dark bruises and even—wait for it—bite marks.

"I must've gotten hit or something. Ever heard of a popper gun? One time I hit my roommate on the forehead and he had a mark for like a week." Keith says awkwardly, averting his eyes when Tanner stare him down like a hawk.

"Popper gun?" is his only response, head tilted in confusion.

Keith parts his lips to speak again but before he could make (even more of) a fool of himself, his art teacher jumps into roll call, her voice booming throughout the room and causing him to flinch in surprise.

Keith shuts his mouth immediately, turning away from Tanner and trying his best to ignore his curious gaze. 

He doesn't know does he? What happened last night? Between him and...Lance?

Keith shudders at the mere thought, scrunching his nose in undeniable disgust.

Nothing against Lance, honest—definitely nothing against him. He was an okay guy, Keith supposed. Sure, he didn't exactly like Lance, but that didn't mean he couldn't stand the sight of him or anything like that.

Well, actually, that's not exactly true at the moment because, technically, Keith never really liked the fact that his best friend was  dating him, and Lance did cheat on Allura and well, and he was probably better off never seeing Lance ever again—but that's besides the point!

Point is, this wasn't any more about Lance than it was about him being a crappy best friend. He had sex with someone in a loyal relationship—a loyal relationship with the person who he grew up with! He betrayed Allura in the most hurtful way, the most unforgivable way.

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