After grabbing my bag, I began my journey back home. It was 4:50, but no one would really care that I came home late. My parents come back from work at 6:30, and my older brother is at university.

My house is only about 4 or 5 blocks away from school, so I can either take the bus there or walk, like today. I stare at the tree on the other side of the road, its flowers only just beginning to bloom. I see a bird fly onto the tallest branch and sit there.

And that’s when it started.

The tree suddenly began to swim in and out of focus. At first it only happened once every ten seconds, so I thought my eyes were just in need of some glasses. But then it happened more and more frequently, until the tree became a blurry green blob. I squint my eyes, hoping that the tree would make its way back into focus, but it didn’t.

Then the next stage came.

It seemed that my eyes had suddenly became cross-eyed. The tree seemed to be overlapping the houses and the fences that surrounded it. I was seeing double of everything. I frantically move my head around, trying to see something clearly. But nothing was clear, it was all dizzy.

Stage three then appeared.

My world started to spin.

“Ughhh...” I moan as the world became an indescribable mess of pictures of the normal world overlapping each other. It was so… dizzy.

When I say dizzy, I don’t mean the type when you’ve just twirled around in harmless circles for the past minute.

No, no that would be the biggest understatement I’ve ever heard.

 I mean the type of dizzy when someone gets your normal vision, then shakes it around like a maraca, then goes and plays bowling with it, then waves it around in the air like a trophy you just won.

As you can tell, it’s quite disorientating.

I stumble around aimlessly like a blind man that’s just been hit by a football. At one point I feel my feet stray off the footpath, then I feel the softness of grass underneath me. Hoping and praying that I don’t somehow manage to stray onto the road, I decide that maybe if I sit down it would minimize the chances of getting run over.

I try to steady my feet enough to sit down, but the world was so dizzy, it was an almost impossible task. And then I felt it. Right under my shoes.


Which could only mean one thing.

I was on the road.

Get back to the pavement before you get hit Rhana, I say to myself.

But the problem now was to find the footpath. I turn around trying to see something that even remotely resembles a footpath. The world was still spinning like a rocket powered merry go round, so that task was very difficult.

Suddenly, through my demented vision, I see a very blurry grey strip.

I hope and pray that that was the footpath, and begin to walk towards it.

Well, try to walk towards it.

With the world spinning very intensely, it was much easier said than done.


I say drunkenly as I stumble again.

This dizziness is not good for me, I think as I taste warm bile threatening to explode out of my mouth.

“Come on Rhana…” I plead to myself, still trying to get some control.

One foot in front of the other, I tell myself.

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