nightmare:the secret

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The Secret

I know, I know; I've asked too much of you already

Up until today I've asked for what I don't deserve

I hope, I hope; you will always be able to put up with me

Because everyone else chooses to ignore my words

So please, please; I want you to take me, and hide me far away

I need you to do this for me; I never, ever want to be found again

Take my will, take my heart, take my tears, take my name

Take my life, take my soul, take my fear, take my pain

Pull me into you, and keep me close to your void of a heart, so I can lose myself

Hold me in your arms, and keep everything in your palms, I yearn to be held

I can no longer stay

So please take me, and hide me before it's too late


The Keeper

I never wanted you to know that I don't care about myself anymore

You need to know up until this day I still feel so, so hollow

It's okay, it's okay, feel my peace, I'm giving it to you, so don't worry

Because you need it more than I do, take it all, I don't need serenity

I'm crying these tears for you, because you couldn't, because you wouldn't

You didn't, even though you wanted to; you just said that you shouldn't

I have a lot of secrets to keep, some are others, but most are mine

My heart is a vault with a thousand locks, so please have no doubt in mind

Come here, I'm going to let you in

You'll be safe from now on, your calm will begin

I promise that I won't let you go, ever

Everything is going to be okay, because the pain is now over

mid night poetry( part 1)Where stories live. Discover now