spark in the dark

151 22 2

Spark In The Dark

After I had met you

I found out that hope can be so wounding

Now I know what love can do

As the pieces of my heart are still falling

You made me fade in-and-out of heaven

Allowing me the taste of peace momentarily

And you're right back to testing my withdrawing patience

While I plunge back into the same old hell with this vulnerability

The feeling is too raw

A tug of war between different kinds of torment

I'm missing you so much

A never ending stalemate, the sorrow is infinite

Stay   Stay   Stay

Don't go, don't leave

Pray   Pray   Pray

Don't let go of me



But you left me for the last time

I realized that love can be so addicting

When you heartlessly took back your light

And now the memories of us are slowly darkening

You're forcing me to despise what I will never again have

As you knowingly handed me those memories of serenity

But you just had to go and leave my hopeful grasp

So now I fall away, descending into instability

This was just a temporary gain and a sudden, tragic loss

Of an intense feeling of your consuming hope

It's hypocritical to just label it as true love

Because now I choose to be alone

Spark   Spark   Spark

Don't ever shine in vain

Dark   Dark   Dark

Never let me see pain


mid night poetry( part 1)Where stories live. Discover now