why poets loves rain?

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Have you ever noticed.. 

how poets love the rain?

And chances are you thought…

That they are all insane 

In rain, the other people…

All their moods go down

Poets kick their boots off…

And go outside to drown

Why is this? I ask myself…

An easy thing to ask

But it's tough to figure out

And that will be my task

Is it love of nature..

That others just don’t get?

Maybe it is simply that…

They just like being wet ?

To them is it the same...

To simply take a shower?

Or must the water come...

From mother nature's power?

Perhaps those stormy clouds…

Help to bring inspiration

Maybe they’re reminded of…

The beauty of creation

Maybe it’s the way…

The flooded rivers flow

Or maybe it’s a poet’s hope…

The hope of a rainbow

Maybe it’s the smell…

The air that smells so new

Maybe it’s the mist…

That carries morning dew

Maybe it’s the trees…

The way they sway and dance

Maybe the wind carries…

The songs of sweet romance

Maybe it’s the wind…

The wind that howls so soft

Or maybe it’s the leaves…

That nature holds aloft

Maybe dancing in the rain….

Is just something poetic

Or maybe it’s a poet’s pain…

And it’s merely genetic

The easy part is writing…

Stories that are tragic

The hard thing's understanding

Joy and love, and magic

Maybe it’s because…

The water makes us grow

But as for the answer…

I really want to know

mid night poetry( part 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt