

Cordula had decided to head to H.E.A.T Headquarters early after the brief talk with her father. She expected to see a frowning Nick and some of the members eating their breakfast but what she didn't expect was an angry, almost pissed off looking Nick as he angrily sat down.

He barely even acknowledged her as she entered "Okay...what exactly happened here?" Cordula asked as she sat down across from Nick. Elsie gave her and Nick , mostly, a grin "Did you catch the news this morning?" Cordula opened her mouth to answer but Elsie made no room to talk.

"Boy Audrey is good. Yeah I don't know where she gets all that inside information" Her gaze was on Nick as he glared at her "It was a private discussion" Nick said flatly.

"Let me guess...she spilled the news on TV" Cordula stated rather than question it. Nick's face was all the answer she got "Honey, you may know something about lizards but you have got a lot to learn about career women" Elsie said seriously.

A ring from the phone slightly broke the tension as Randy immediately picked it up, not wanting to hear another argument.

"Mutant Central?" Cordula gave Randy a look about their name and shook her head with a smile. Trust Randy to try and lighten up the mood with a joke or two.

"Hang on...yo jefe it's Frank Valdez, the UN Environmental Department, says he needs to see you pronto" Randy informed "What would the UN Environmental Department need us for?" Cordula questioned.


"Mr. Valdez's environmental team got these Landsat photos in this morning. It seems sections of the Brazilian Rain forest are vanishing at an alarming rate" Nick informed the team as he showed them the photos.

"There's a newsflash" Elsie commented "This is different, something is actually eating away the forest at a rate 100 times faster than the destruction caused by man" Cordula looked at the pictures over again and shuddered.

If these continue to spread, I doubt humanity would even last long to meet the digital age.

"Ugh...the entire rain forest will be gone in-"

"About three weeks" Nick calculated "And if the rain forest did disappear, what happens if whatever it is that's causing that finds another island to consume?" Cordula asked and everyone dreaded the answer.


"Did I mention that I hate the jungle" Mendel said calmly though he was very much on high alert "After what happened back in the killer plants and bees, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be allergic to the forest itself" Cordula commented.

Mendel glared at her before he began to angrily swipe at the insects flying and buzzing around him. They came upon a barren place, the place where the forest started to disappear.

"Something disintegrated these trees on contact" Nick commented "Okay everybody, wide search perimeters" Everyone quickly fanned out to search the area.

"Man, I don't even know what did this?" Randy commented as he rubbed the dust of the barks of the tree between his fingers.

Elsie looked around for anything that she could find as a means for a clue to solve this mystery until she stumbled upon something very peculiar.

"What's this?" Elsie asked and Nick turned his attention to the pile of mud that almost looked exactly like-

"That's an insect mound!" Cordula suddenly screamed before the ground shook right where Monique and Randy were standing. All of a sudden, something big began to climb up underneath the two and Monique fell on the other side as she lost her balance.

Godzilla The Series: His Bonded Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें