"So the good news is he's getting smarter and the bad news is, he'a getting uncontrollable" Elsie surmised "If the situation worsens, you may have to consider a permanent solution" Cordula crossed her arms at Monique.

"Somehow...I thought of what you you think is a permanent solution"


Godzilla swam relentlessly underwater, trying to get this bad feeling off hus chest until he caught a whiff of his father and his -no!- the female.

He quickly surfaced and spotted them heading in his direction "So how close do we have to get..you know, just in case the big guy starts losing it again" At Cordula'a glare and Nick's sudden tenseness, Randy quickly changed course.

"Which you know he won't I'm just talking hypothetical" Randy stammered slightly "Cut the motor, just want to drift in and check him out" Nick said as he held up his binoculars.

"There could be a physical explanation for the outburst. Maybe an injury" But Nick could find no trace of an injury, Godzilla looked in perfect shape.

Maybe he's just mad that you didn't come early and now he wants nothing to do with you.

That thought shook Cordula all the more as she stared at Godzilla who avoided eye contact.

Does this mean I'll have to...leave?

The sound of a chopper made her snap her thought out as she looked up to see a commercial copter heading towards Godzilla whose gaze suddenly went to it.

Godzilla roared as his anger snapped "Godzilla stop!" Nick cried out but it was for the first time that Godzilla disobeyed his father as he leaped out of the water to try and chomp down the chopper.

Huge waves came up as Godzilla dropped down and it caused the boat to go flying and for its passenger to fall headfirst to the water.

Cordula gasped as water flooded her lungs before she swam up and coughed up the excess water "Where'd he go?" Randy rasped, referring to Godzilla who was now swimming away, chasing after the chopper still trying to get away.


"Cordula, dinner's ready" Joe said, opening the door. He was surprised to find a depressed looking Cordula on her bed with her knees on her head.

"Alright Cory, what's with the long face?" Cordula bit her lip "Dad am I a burden to the team?" Joe raised a brow at Cordula's question.

"Where did that come from?"

"Well, earlier today Godzilla ran rampant around the city and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of me" Cordula pouted.

"You know...the way you say makes it sound like he's having one of those temper tantrums most kids have" At Cordula's puzzled look, Joe added.

"Remember the tantrum you had when David refused to let you even borrow his monster collection?"

Cordula winced as she recalled from early childhood "I destroyed his Lego City and threw them everywhere. It took him weeks to find them all from wherever I scattered them" Cordula said.

"Ah...those happy and stressful times" Joe sighed before patting Cordula on the back "The team wouldn't be the same without you Cory, think of what Godzilla would do?" Cordula raised a brow.

"He has Nick"

"Which does he bond more with?"


Cordula smiled and gave her father a big hug "Thanks dad, I needed that" Joe chuckled "Any time sport but to be honest, your mother was way more emotional than you" A swift jab in the ribs.

Godzilla The Series: His Bonded OneWhere stories live. Discover now