Poem 19

321 14 5


Let's talk about words for a little bit.

Words are the alphabet mixed up and spaced into different shapes. Its something that the human race has created, and used for as long as we roamed the earth.

Fast forward to our present time, and we have teenagers hanging themselves because someone didn't respond to them on Facebook.

Trust me, it's hard. Talking with a loved one or someone who you care about already makes you vulnerable. It's okay if they don't respond, or if it says "Read at 8:34" on your screen. They are only using words.

We use words everyday. We create them using our vocal chords and our brains to think and produce sound at the same instance in time. Looking at our day to day life, everyone on the planet uses words.

They are all unique from each other, and sound different to everyone's ears. People are being hurt by these words enough to end their own life.

I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this, but everyone needs to calm down, focus on what their saying, and just try to be happy. Is that so hard to ask?

Because apparently, no one is actually trying to help the people in need. They just acknowledge them and move on, thinking that they will figure it out on their own.

I'm sorry to tell you but problems can't always be fixed by yourself. Everyone needs one supporting figure in their life. I aim to be that supportive figure.

If you are having troubles with your family, friends, or anything else, don't hesitate to PM me. I will be more than happy to talk to you and help you through whatever is causing you pain.

Please don't kill yourself.

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