Poem 16

400 24 7

I'm going to continue writing my poems, just because I'm in the mood right now.

This poem is dedicated to @Nagi3145

If I find out one of you guys has verbally abused this young man right here, I will find your address, wait at your doorstep, and personally slit your throat. Kay?

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I found out one day,

That my friend was cheated on.

He was touched, beat, and tortured,

What else could go wrong?

A lot more I guess,

Some things you don't know.

He's dealt with more pain,

Then a broken piano.

His friends are all liars,

They'll leave him to die.

Dump him in the ocean.

Without a goodbye.

But of course, I won't,

I love him to death.

I'll be by his side,

Till' he takes his last breath.

And if he forgets me,

I will not shed a tear.

For crying doesn't help,

And it won't make him reappear.

He only has his kids left,

To help him pay the bills.

I hope someone can get him off,

His anti-depressant pills.

All of that doesn't matter,

When you're with your family

Or your friends and loved ones,

Whoever makes you happy.

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I won't be doing anymore rants, I'll just continue writing my poems. Yay!


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