chapter nine - Ally

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"Well how long was I out for?" expecting an answer of about 6-12 hours.
"6 days." Luke says sadly.
"what? I should have only been out for like a day tops." I say confused.
"May baby you were actually dead for two minutes when you got here so they had to put you in a coma to keep you alive, most doctors weren't sure you would make it except Craig was yeah Craig he said that you would pull through and you did and it was quite funny to watch him get really happy and yell at all the other nurses and doctors saying that they don't know they job well enough." he says chuckling at the end.
i was dead, well for two minutes but for two minutes I was dead my brain wasn't getting an oxygen, my heart wasn't pumping and I wasn't breathing.

"wow." I don't know what to say I was fucking dead for gods suck how am I supposed to react.
"seriously though you should have seen Craig when we said you woke up it was like he won the lottery." Mickie said with a smile. I smile as well cause I can imagine him running around like an idiot. the door opens only to reveal Craig.
"hey Craig." I say smiling.
"hey baby girl, your smiling that's good." he says an then kisses my forehead.
"yeah the boys were just telling me that I was dead and that when I woke up you were saying that the other doctors and nurses didn't know what they were talking about and it looks like you won the lottery." I say giggling.

"ARGHHH guys you weren't meant to tell that I was running around like an idiot she can't know that I care for her, god." he says sarcastically.
"Ally wouldn't be very happy to hear that would she, making fun of her only daughter. tut tut." I say sassily, ally is his wife and isn't able to have children and she was always there for me like Craig and she said that I was the daughter she always wanted and she was like the mum I always wanted.

"Oh no please don't tell her she'll kill me oh god. the one time I try to be sarcastic. livvy please." I smirk.
"what no, I'm not going to-" "well I can just get out my phone and call ally I mean she would love to talk to me." "you're evil you know that liv, I'm sorry livvy." I just laugh and the boys are trying to hold back their laughter.
"argh you suck you know that." he says laughing.
"well not for free." and I wink which causes the guys the laugh even more.

Luke speaks up "so when do you reckon she can go home?" Craig just looks at me,
" when do you reckon?"
"a few days probably, for my brain to get the oxygen back and for everything to start to get back into rhythm." the boys look back at Craig.
"see I'm not even needed." he says laughing.
"have you told mum I'm here I wanna see her." I say looking at Craig.
"please she knew you were here. Seriously you're not even her child and she knows." he says laughing at the end so do I. I look over at the boys and they looked so confused.
"by mum I mean Ally his wife."
"ohhh" they all just say.
"so she isn't our child now great ,my own husband says to our child that she's not ours wow great parenting." Ally.
"MUM." I practically yell. she rushes over to hug me. we pull apart only to be hit in the arm.

"hey." I say pouting.
"Do you know how worried I was about you. I can't lose my daughter who would I talk about hot guys with." I giggle at this.
"hot guys?" Craig asks questionly. "shįt we've been caught quick run." I say while laughing.
"hey we were only looking at all the bands she likes, like those pop punk Australian ones and when I say boy-band you get all defensive. the ones I brought you and the girlfriend of yours tickets to in June I think."

'great their talking about the boys.' I can feel myself blushing so I just hide me face in my hands. I see Craig whisper something to ally.
"What? oh my god." she just looks at me and then playfully hits on the leg, "you go girl." the boys just laugh and I hide my face more.
"Really ally?"
"what I didn't know." I just throw a pillow at her. the boys just laugh and luke pulls me into a hug.
"you know your really cute when you blush."


hey guys. exams suck, any way I finish them morrow so I hopefully will be more active. sorry....

I also need a girlfriend for ashton, kik me like basic details.

- name


-hair and eye colour


-prep, goth, scence, girly girl, tomboy so on

-favourite band, food, colour and stuff like that.

vote, comment and share. thanks

love you guys 😘❤️

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